Connect Canon 6D

Issue #910 closed
Peter Fassler created an issue

I cannot connect my Canon 6D to NINA. It simply does not show up in the Camera window. I get a red notification which I cannot understand what it means or what I have to do. I easily connect the camera to all other astro software programs. Kindly advise what I am doing wrong.


Comments (4)

  1. Dale Ghent

    First, it would be useful to us to know what the notification told you. It is not helpful to us to omit this information, as error messages tend to be the clue as to what is going on.

    Second, you can include a NINA log file from that session as an attachment here. You can open the log file folder by pressing the requisite button under Options > General

  2. Peter Fassler reporter

    Sorry, I am new to NINA and know the protocol here. Anyway, I deleted my first download, re-downloaded the latest nightly version and found this time the canon label on the equipment list when the camera was connected. No idea why it did not show up the first time, hence my request. Thanks

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