1.11.135: Permanently shows "PHD2-Settling"

Issue #913 resolved
Ruediger created an issue


The latest nightly show permanently “PHD2-Settling” regardless the setting set in guider tab. Please see screenshot.,

The imaging sequence seems to run flawless. PHD2 is guiding as usual.

CS Rüdiger

Comments (9)

  1. Ruediger reporter

    After 30 minutes and a filter change+AF it disappeared.

    Restarted session and the “PHD2-Settling” text is back again. 😢

  2. Dale Ghent

    It might be that the status message isn’t getting cleared when the settling process completes, which would make this just a display issue. Can you supply a log file?

  3. Ruediger reporter

    Also other status information are not updated. Also exposing Information is displayed continuously. See below text. This was shown continuously:

    Also language switch leads to doubling the progressbar:

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