Dome shut off

Issue #916 closed
leon shaddick created an issue

Dome disconnects after opening and closing with using #136 and #137

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: 5 is not an expected value
at NINA.Equipment.Equipment.MyDome.ShutterStateExtensions.FromASCOM(ShutterState shutterState) in E:\Projects\nina\NINA.Equipment\Equipment\MyDome\AscomDome.cs:line 46
at NINA.WPF.Base.ViewModel.Equipment.Dome.DomeVM.GetDomeValues() in E:\Projects\nina\NINA.Core.WPF\ViewModel\Equipment\Dome\DomeVM.cs:line 196
at NINA.Core.Utility.DeviceUpdateTimer.<<Start>b__16_0>d.MoveNext() in E:\Projects\nina\NINA.Core\Utility\DeviceUpdateTimer.cs:line 77

Comments (6)

  1. George Hilios

    Leon, nothing changed in NINA with respect to this since the I introduced the Dome interface with the maiden version of 1.11. My spidey sense suspects the dome driver developer is treating this field as a “bit field” where 4 (error) and 1 (closed) combine to value 5. If that’s the case, this is a bug in their driver, as that doesn’t conform to spec.

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