
Issue #936 closed
Bill Richards created an issue

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While imaging last night, NINA reported an error with no real description. NINA recommended a full restart but offered the option to try to recover with the possibility of unpredictable behavior. I opted to try to recover and everything seemed to work OK afterward, but the error was disconcerting. Log file is attached - the error occurred at time=2021-10-01T02:06:40.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Unknown

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi Bill,

    this exception occurred in the third party component of the docking framework. Most likely this won’t happen anymore in 1.11 as the framework was updated to a newer version.

    Hence I will close this issue as it is most likely resolved for the next version. For this particular issue it should be safe to recover from the exception.

  2. Bill Richards reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    Thanks for the quick reply, and I’m glad to hear that this should be fixed in 1.11. Do you know when it is expected to be formally released? There are a number of other fixes that are in 1.11 that I want, but I can’t afford to take the risk with nightly builds.

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