Minimum altitude filter which is erased by itself

Issue #945 resolved
Soulearth created an issue


After a search in the atlas (about once in two) , the parameter of minimum altitude filter is erased by itself. It does not matter but it forces to redefine the date, time, and altitude each time it is erased.

Since most of the time the search is done for a single night, it is not useful for it to erase itself.

Best regards,

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    please include repro steps in more details. with the given info i am not able to reproduce the problem.


  2. Soulearth reporter


    Sure no problem. Here is an example of the process.

    1 - First search : surface brightness + minimum altitude + order by → No problem

    2 - Change order by + search → Erase Altitude

    3- I put altitude again. This time I put 50 + search ( screenshot before and after search ) ->

    Before search:

    After search:

    I find this behavior suspicious. Why is the altitude parameter erased?

    Thank you for your help.

    Best regards,

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    I’ve tried to reproduce this with the current nightly build of 1.11 - there i cannot reproduce it. So in case you are reporting this from v1.10 the problem is already fixed for the next release.

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