Mounts stop to tracking if I stop Three Point Polar Alignment plug-in

Issue #953 closed
Giampaolo M created an issue

I had recently an issue with three star polar alignment plug-in. Everytimen I stop procedure while it's running (for example to change position from which I'm going to start it - because plate solving is falling too much time at latest step), my mount it's stopping to track at all. Did you find something similar? Is it a wrong settings I got. In case, please, tell me what I have to change, thanks

I’m currently running latest version for NINA 1.11 Nigthly #163 and Three Point Polar Alignment plug-in

My mount is a Skywatcher HEQ5 connected via EQMOD to my PC. Ascom driver are update to Platform 6.5SP1

Issue is always repeatable, even with “virtual equipment” such mount and, camera

To find this issue you have to stop plug in whenever you want and you’ll see that mount will stop to track immediately.

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    This is expected behavior. Once polar alignment is done, the mount is stopped to not track any further.

    After the alignment is done you will anyways slew to another target where the tracking will be resumed.

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