Add option : Start exposure when guide error is inferior to x pixel

Issue #970 resolved
LELU created an issue

It would be useful to integrate an option to define the start of shooting when the guidance stabilizes or reaches a value defined by the user.

For example, after starting autoguiding, wait until the guide curves (AD and DEC) are less than 0.5 pixels.
At this time, NINA starts the exposure.

Many images are thrown in the trash because there is no stabilization of the autoguiding even after a period of time which can vary.

Also, it would be useful to add the reverse option.
Stop the exposure if the guiding error is greater than 3 pixels for example. This would avoid waiting for the end of the exposure, which can take several minutes.

Thank you in advance for your return.

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Guider settle parameters should be set so a new exposure can start without issues after a dither. Furthermore the Phd2 Tools instruction that will be available for 3.x can skip an exposure early if rms is above a threshold.

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