Options Imaging pattern name for focal length

Issue #973 closed
Graham Hollis created an issue

The telescope name is represented by $$TELESCOPE$$ but the focal length is not available in a pattern. I use the focal length in my directory structure as a filter in PixInsight WBPP. Please can you add a new pattern $$FOCALLENGTH$$ populated from the Options Equipment value. Currently as a work around, I enter the focal length into the telescope name field and use that pattern.

Comments (3)

  1. Linwood Ferguson

    I have two OTA’s at different focal length, but I end up needing two profiles as there are a lot of things that change when focal length (and usually aperture ratio) change, from focus and plate solving exposure lengths to (often) equipment.

    If you have different profiles and (for a given profile) it does not change, it can just be coded as a literal in the path string.

    Not saying it might not be handy to have it (and 100 different things in addition) available as tokens, just something to consider, if you do not have different profiles, you might want to.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    The focal length won't be added as a pattern to the core app.

    However I have added capabilities for plugins to provide custom image file patterns. This might come in the future via plugins.

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