Nightly 193: Advanced sequencer. "Wait for Time" is ignored when past noon

Issue #979 invalid
Ruediger created an issue

Hello all,

I noticed, that the command “Wait for time” gets skipped if the point of time is more than approx. 5 hours in the future.


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Comments (10)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi - this is not due to >5 hours, but that the roll over date is at high noon.

    This is a compromise - otherwise you would have to always wait and never know when this instruction is to be considered finished when hit again without attaching a day too.

  2. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,
    thx for the reply. I got the point.
    I just identified the 5 hours by playing around with the time, but that matches noon quite well.
    Background: This became a problem, when creating dark library, which is running for a couple of days. In the morning I copy the data, create the sequence for the next night and schedule it to start it this evening.

    Could it be a solution, that this command only considers future time points? I suspect that wait for dawn is having the same logic? So if set to dawn, it implies it can only be the dawn wich is coming next?
    But I admit in some rare cases, if a user starts his sequence for some reason late, and passed the point of time already it will wait, though it is expected to start immediately. This is also a valid point.

  3. Ruediger reporter

    Maybe I have found a workaround. I can insert a “Wait for Time Spawn” to get past noon followed by a “Wait for Time”. What is the maximum value for seconds in “Wait for Time Spawn”?

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    Yes with the combination of a wait for time span to get beyond the noon flip you can achieve it. There is no restriction to the seconds there, except for the data structure it holds which is 2147483647

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