Sequence Progress in Taskbar Info

#568 · Created  · Last updated


What is the purpose of this Pull Request?

This PR adds the current sequence progress information to the task bar. It also adds buttons to the Windows' preview of the NINA window to start, pause, resume and cancel a sequence.

Following states are implemented:

  • Capture sequence is running: the progress will display the current amount of exposures/total planned exposures

  • Pause was hit (not initiated yet): the progress will become the pause progress with still displayed amount of exp/planned exp

  • Pause was hit (and initiated) or other events happen (anything but capture): the progress becomes a continuous “indefinite” progress symbolizing that non-capture events are currently running.

How were the changes tested?

Locally against test sequences.

Are there relevant Issues in the tracker that this PR will fix?







It will only take the current Sequence target, not following ones.

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