Reverse calculator possible?

Issue #20 wontfix
Alvin Wijaya created an issue

With the absorb mechanics being in the crucial places like Challenge Dungeons, I'd really like to know if it's possible to calculate how many moves to make in order to not trigger the absorbs? Skyfall extras excluded of course.

Comments (4)

  1. Wes Chao

    How would you want this to work? The way I do it is to input my intended combo, click on the Absorb button and add the damage threshold, then just see if any numbers come out negative.

  2. Alvin Wijaya reporter

    The user inputs the absorption threshold (100k, 400k, 1mil), enemy's element and defense, and based on the team's damage after maximum multiplier, display the maximum amount of orbs/combo you need to hit before going through the threshold.

    Might also be useful to avoid some bosses' moves if you're unsure whether you can OHKO them.

  3. Jean-Paul Cato repo owner

    I think there's too many possible combo combinations for that to be practical, really. Too many factors to wiggle around (plus orbs, combo count, combo sizes, awakenings, etc.).

  4. Wes Chao

    I like the idea, but I agree with Jean-Paul -- there's just too many variables here for even a basic calculation to be useful. The best we could do would be to say something like "if you don't make any rows, or any tpas, or have any plus orbs on the board, or make more than one combo of a specific color, then you can make at most this many combos before you trigger the absorb threshold".

    But that's so specific as to be basically useless, and if you happen to have a single plus orb on the board (for a team stacking orb enhances), it could make the result invalid.

    I think you're better off just using the tool as I described: put in the number of combos you intend to make and see if it triggers the absorb threshold. If it does, adjust your combo accordingly. That does basically everything you want, and handles all the edge cases.

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