Leader Skill override does not support some leaders

Issue #23 resolved
Wes Chao created an issue

For example, Awoken Ra: if I input 10x for God and 10x for Devil (the multiplier for a 5-combo activation plus using a skill), monsters that are either Gods or Devils get 10x, as expected, but monsters who are both (e.g. Ra) get 100x.

You could fix this by having the two fields apply together instead of being multiplicative, but then the tool wouldn't support other use cases, like a Yomi 6-combo (3x for Dark, 2x for everything else).

The only solution I can think of is to have both the leader and friend leader sections have two rows each:

[type/elem-select 1] [type/elem-select 2] [value] [type/elem-select 1] [type/elem-select 2] [value]

and multiply them together. I think this covers all the use cases, but it's a lot of clutter in the UI so should be hidden behind a toggle (like the absorb/resist buttons).

I'd actually advocate for this approach and to autofill the (initially) hidden fields based on the parsed leader skill data, and then using the form as the source of truth for calculations.

Comments (7)

  1. Jean-Paul Cato repo owner

    Should probably move from selects to checkboxes so multiple selections are easier. Will still likely necessitate two rows per leader, though. Or some fanciness.

  2. Wes Chao reporter

    This is the only major thing blocking me from using the new version, so I'm going to start working on it.

  3. Wes Chao reporter

    I have this working, but increasing the number of fields makes it that much more important to have preset combos. Using Ra, for instance, used to be 5 clicks and a keypress, and now it's 12 clicks and 2 keypresses.

  4. Jean-Paul Cato repo owner

    Ignore the shitty MS Paint art; this is what I'm considering: http://imgur.com/UamRNAq

    Replace the dropdown with a button that opens a modal, and then show buttons with icons for the respective leader/duo on it (and any information relevant to the board format for leaders with multiple options, eg. rows/tpas).

  5. Wes Chao reporter

    I'll open a new issue to track re-implementing preset combos, since it's related but doesn't need to be tied to this change.

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