Damage calculation is off by a fraction of a percentage

Issue #37 new
Wes Chao created an issue

I've noticed that damage calculation is always a teensy tiny bit short of the actual number. This page explains why:


It looks like the game rounds up one of the calculations before applying additional modifiers, whereas we apply all the modifiers and then round. It's not a big deal, but it'd be nice to be exactly accurate.

Comments (4)

  1. Wes Chao reporter

    I have a fix for this that gets us exactly right for most instances and closer for others, but still not 100% accurate.

  2. Jean-Paul Cato repo owner

    Yeah, Arkaether mentioned this a while back but I was leery of messing with the rounding in the formula. I erred on the side of understating the numbers a bit and making people less confident, instead of making them waste stamina on a failed burst.

  3. Wes Chao reporter

    That's fair. Being off by .1% tends to not be a big deal, especially if it's under.

    I'll keep poking at it to see if I can get it exactly accurate. I'm close, but not quite there yet.

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