UVO Gadius not showing up in Calc (#2744)

Issue #47 resolved
Parker Mitchell created an issue

Hello! For some reason the calculator does not let me load teams with UVO Gadius, for example https://www.padherder.com/user/Korbah/teams/#240186. Also, if I try to manually assign my team, Gadius won't show up if I enter his ID. =(

Comments (2)

  1. Wes Chao

    SpikeCalc gets its data from PadHerder, so there's some lag behind when a new monster is introduced and when it's available in SpikeCalc (lag from when PadHerder enters the data, and then additional lag from when SpikeCalc updates). Should be fixed for Gadius now, but feel free to poke us with an issue whenever you see this happening again!

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