Poloniex nonce bug

Issue #253 duplicate
Benjamin Cordes created an issue
Mar 02, 2015 5:41:09 PM com.nubits.nubot.trading.wrappers.PoloniexWrapper getQuery
SEVERE: Poloniex API returned an error: Nonce must be greater than 1425339663161261. You provided 1425339669672.
Mar 02, 2015 5:41:09 PM com.nubits.nubot.tasks.strategy.StrategySecondaryPegUtils recount
SEVERE: ApiError [5 : Nonce must be greater than 1425339663161261. You provided 1425339669672.]
Mar 02, 2015 5:41:09 PM com.nubits.nubot.utils.FrozenBalancesManager setBalanceAlreadyThere
INFO: Frozen funds already in balance (not proceeds) updated : 0.0 Currency{fiat=false, code=BTC, extendedName=Bitcoin}
Mar 02, 2015 5:41:10 PM com.nubits.nubot.trading.wrappers.PoloniexWrapper getQuery
SEVERE: Poloniex API returned an error: Nonce must be greater than 1425339663161261. You provided 1425339669945.
Mar 02, 2015 5:41:10 PM com.nubits.nubot.tasks.strategy.StrategySecondaryPegUtils initOrders
SEVERE: ApiError [5 : Nonce must be greater than 1425339663161261. You provided 1425339669945.]
Mar 02, 2015 5:41:10 PM com.nubits.nubot.trading.wrappers.PoloniexWrapper getQuery
SEVERE: Poloniex API returned an error: Nonce must be greater than 1425339663161261. You provided 1425339670125.
Mar 02, 2015 5:41:10 PM com.nubits.nubot.tasks.strategy.StrategySecondaryPegUtils initOrders
SEVERE: ApiError [5 : Nonce must be greater than 1425339663161261. You provided 1425339670125.]

Comments (9)

  1. Benjamin Cordes reporter

    This is probably some kind of clock drift. adding +2000 to currenttime works for me.

  2. Benjamin Cordes reporter

    Must be a bug on their side. If the nonce is much higher than what the server wants, then it does not recognize the higher nonce.

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