Poloniex API returned an error: Nonce must be greater than 1426859226805. You provided 1426859226553.

Issue #350 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

Getting a lot of these errors

>> 14:47:06.622 c.n.n.t.wrappers.PoloniexWrapper 128 ERROR - Poloniex API returned an error: Nonce must be greater than 1426859226805. You provided 1426859226553.

Comments (16)

  1. Benjamin Cordes

    We should fill a bug with Poloniex about this.

    BenRossi "This might help. From the Pybot client's output that I'm running:"

    2015/03/20-10:59:30 ERROR: unable to cancel orders for unit btc on exchange poloniex: Nonce must be greater than 9223372036854775807. You provided 1426863571000. 2015/03/20-10:59:30 INFO: adjusting nonce of exchange poloniex to 9223370609991305 Once the nonce adjusted it worked

  2. Desrever Nu reporter

    I am not able to reproduce this with two pairs of apikeys I have, on two separate accounts. I have tried running the bot for a couple of hours without incurring in the nonce error.

    @pennybreaker also ran the tests on 0.2.0 smoothly on Poloniex .

    I am keen to think it is something that has to do with the specific account you are using to trade. Try creating a new one from scratch and see if it is solved. I do not think your machine has problems/differences from computing the nonce

    I say we can close this and re-open if we have other user

  3. Benjamin Cordes

    I tried the following. I use ints as nonce and then simply count +1. Still I get this result:

    12:06:10.971    ERROR   106 c.n.n.t.w.PoloniexWrapper   Poloniex API returned an error: Nonce must be greater than 130. You provided 128.
    12:06:10.971    ERROR   251 c.n.n.s.OrderManager    ApiError [5 : Nonce must be greater than 130. You provided 128.]
    12:06:11.250    ERROR   106 c.n.n.t.w.PoloniexWrapper   Poloniex API returned an error: Nonce must be greater than 135. You provided 131.
    12:06:11.251    ERROR   251 c.n.n.s.OrderManager    ApiError [5 : Nonce must be greater than 135. You provided 131.]
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