expose a testing option to avoid the wait-time on wall shift

Issue #46 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

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Comments (6)

  1. Desrever Nu reporter

    d8faa3e..046adb2 Added a option called : "wait-before-shift", default to true.

    If set to false, the bot will avoid waiting before shifting walls. This option is only for testing purposes, not to be used by custodians.

  2. Desrever Nu reporter

    Note for QA : to test this try adding an option in the config :


    then spin off a NuBot against a volatile pair (BTC), and wait for a wall-shift to happen. If both sells and buys orders are shifted immediately, the parameter worked.

    Also try to set it to true (which should be default if not declared) and see if the bot waits two minutes between the shift of sell side and buy side orders.

  3. Desrever Nu reporter

    Ran the bot with the parameter set to true and verified it waited 110 seconds Ran the bot with the parameter set to false and verify it shifted without waiting

    WARNING: Skipping the waiting time : wait-before-shift option have been set to false

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