Adjust configuration parameters to accomodate new settings

Issue #806 resolved
Desrever Nu created an issue

Existing configuration options need to be reviewed .

  • Eliminate / hide deprecating parameters
  • Add a new flag configuration parameter to bypass distributing tier2 liquidity if turned on (failback on 0.3.1 strategy with two orders)
  • Adjust the web ui accordingly and web backend accordingly
  • Document the changes to options and user manual (make a liquidity distribution setting)

Different from parameters specific to the model that will be handled in a separate ticket #807

Comments (6)

  1. Desrever Nu reporter

    Parameters to be renamed :


    Parameter to be systematically reviewed and documented and renamed

  2. Desrever Nu reporter

    *maxsellordervolume --> bookSellwall

    maxbuyordervolume --> bookBuywall*

    We want to be able to manage the sell and buy spread separately. They become offsets.

    In this context the old "spread" parameter cannot be simply renamed. We need to systematically delete old occurrences of the spread parameter (ticket #822 ) and then formalise two new parameters to be handled at book level.

    distributeliquidity --> bookDisabletier2

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