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thonny-microbit / installation-guide

Installation and configuration guide


Mac and Windows 10 users don't have to worry about preparations and can skip this part.

Windows 8 and earlier Windows versions

Before you continue with this guide, make sure that you have this mbed serial port driver.


Please add yourself to 'dialout' group (required to access serial ports).

sudo usermod -a -G dialout <your-username>

Then relog or reboot your machine.


  • If you don't have Thonny installed yet, then please visit this page and install Thonny.
  • Open Thonny and go to Tools -> Manage plug-ins....
  • Write 'thonny-microbit' to the search bar and click search button, then install it (internet connection is required).
  • After plug-in installation restart Thonny.

After these steps you should see a button like this run.flash_microbit.gif in Thonny's user interface.

If you do, then plug-in installation was successful and you can continue with configuration.


  • Connect micro:bit to your computer with USB cable.
  • In Thonny go to Tools -> Options... -> Interpreter.
  • Choose 'BBC micro:bit' interpreter and click OK.
  • If you don't have a MicroPython on your micro:bit yet then go to Tools -> Flash REPL to BBC micro:bit

You are now ready to program micro:bit!
