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Geomorphic Network and Analysis Toolbox / Tool_Documentation / FindDangles

Find Dangles and Remove Duplicates Tool

This tool deletes duplicate line features and then finds short segments which "dangle" off the Stream Network that typically remain after the network has been cleaned due to the presence of "Artificial Connectors" in NHD.



Input Stream Network

The feature class you are cleaning. This should be a projected stream network.

Input Valley Bottom

The valley bottom polygon you have created and are editing.

Maximum Dangle Length

The maximum length you want for segments selected as dangles. Default is 150 meters.


The folder or geodatabase where you want the Output File to be saved.

Scratch Workspace:

The folder or geodatabase where you want the working files to be created.


Output Dataset: Contains a field called IsDngl which is populated with 1 or 0.

  • 1 marks the line segment as a dangle.

Technical Background

Tool Revisions

  • GNAT 1.3
    • Initial Version of tool
