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MCClans Core Sponge / Commands and Permissions

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Commands and Permissions

All user and admin commands are listed here. To view the commands ingame type /clan help.

  • <parameter> is a regular parameter, you need to replace it with your own value.
  • {parameter} is an optional parameter, and may be left out.
  • [option1/option2] is a parameter that only accepts these specific values.

User Commands

Command | Description | Clan permission | Sponge permission -|-|-|-|- /clan help {page} | Lists all commands available | | /clan page <page> | Browse the pages of a table | | /clan price | See all the costs associated with clans | | mcclans.user.price /clan create <clanTag> <clanName> | Create a clan | | mcclans.user.create /clan disband | Disband a clan | disband | mcclans.user.disband /clan list | Lists all the clans | | mcclans.user.list /clan leaderboard | Lists all players sorted by KDR | | mcclans.user.leaderboard
/clan info {clanTag} | Get the info of a clan | | /clan roster {clanTag} | See the members of a clan | | mcclans.user.roster /clan stats {clanTag} | See the statistics of a clan's members | | mcclans.user.stats /clan invite <playerName> | Invite a player to your clan | invite | mcclans.user.invite /clan remove <playerName> | Remove a player from your clan | remove | mcclans.user.remove /clan accept | Accept a pending clan invite | | mcclans.user.accept /clan decline | Decline a pending clan invite | | mcclans.user.decline /clan friendlyfire clan [on/off/toggle] | Toggle the clan's friendly fire protection | friendlyfire | mcclans.user.friendlyfire.clan /clan friendlyfire personal [on/off/toggle] | Toggle your personal friendly fire protection | | mcclans.user.friendlyfire.personal /clan coords | See the coordinates of your clan members | coords | mcclans.user.coords /clan resign | Resign from a clan | | mcclans.user.resign /clan bank balance | View the balance of the clan bank | | /clan bank deposit | Deposit currency in the clan bank | deposit | /clan bank withdraw | Withdraw currency from the clan bank | withdraw | /clan rank create <rankName> {permissions} | Create a rank | rank | mcclans.user.rank.create /clan rank remove <rankName> | Remove a rank | rank | mcclans.user.rank.remove /clan rank rename <rankName> <newRankName> | Rename a rank | rank | mcclans.user.rank.rename /clan rank view {rankName} | View the properties of the rank or all ranks | rank | mcclans.user.rank.view
/clan rank permission set <rankName> <permissions> | Sets the given permissions to a rank | rank | mcclans.user.rank.permission.set /clan rank permission add <rankName> <permissions> | Adds the given permissions to a rank | rank | mcclans.user.rank.permission.add /clan rank permission remove <rankName> <permissions> | Removes the given permissions from a rank | rank | mcclans.user.rank.permission.remove /clan rank permission view | View all available permissions | rank | mcclans.user.rank.permission.view /clan player info {playerName} | Get the info of yourself or another player | | /clan player setrank <playerName> <rankName> | Set the rank of a member of your clan | setrank | mcclans.user.player.setrank /clan home | Teleport to your clan home | home | mcclans.user.home /clan sethome | Set the location of your clan home | sethome | mcclans.user.sethome /clan tag color <color> | Change the clan tag color | tag | mcclans.user.tag /clan ally invite <clanTag> | Invite another clan to become an ally | ally | /clan ally remove <clanTag> | Remove an allied clan | ally | /clan ally inviteable [on/off/toggle] | Change if the clan is accepting ally invites | ally | /clan ally accept | Accept a pending ally invite | ally | /clan ally decline | Decline a pending ally invite | ally | /clan chat global {message} | Talk in global chat | | /clan chat clan {message} | Talk in clan chat | clanchat | /clan chat ally {message} | Talk in ally chat | allychat | /clan chat ignore clan [on/off/toggle] | Ignore clan chat | | /clan chat ignore ally [on/off/toggle] | Ignore ally chat | |

Admin Commands

Command | Description | Sponge permission -|-|-|-|- /clan admin backup | Create a backup stored in config\mcclans\data\backup | mcclans.admin.backup /clan admin create <owner> <clanTag> <clanName> | Create a clan | mcclans.admin.create /clan admin disband <clanTag> | Disband a clan | mcclans.admin.disband /clan admin home <clanTag> | Teleport to a clan home | mcclans.admin.home /clan admin sethome <clanTag> | Set the location of a clan home | mcclans.admin.sethome /clan admin invite <clanTag> <playerName> | Invite a player to a clan | mcclans.admin.invite /clan admin remove <clanTag> <playerName> | Remove a player from a clan | mcclans.admin.remove /clan admin coords <clanTag> | See the coordinates of a clan's members | mcclans.admin.coords /clan admin tag color <clanTag> <color> | Change a clan tag color | mcclans.admin.tag.color /clan admin setrank <clanTag> <playerName> <rankName> | Set the rank of a member of a clan | mcclans.admin.setrank /clan admin spy [on/off/toggle] | Spy on all the clan chats | mcclans.admin.spy /clan admin clanplayer setkills <playerName> <high> <medium> <low> | Set the kills of a player | mcclans.admin.clanplayer.setkills /clan admin clanplayer setdeaths <playerName> <high> <medium> <low> | Set the deaths of a player | mcclans.admin.clanplayer.setdeaths /clan admin clanplayer transfer <targetClanPlayer> <newPlayerName> | Transfer all player properties to a different player | mcclans.admin.clanplayer.transfer /clan admin clanplayer remove <playerName> | Remove all player properties | mcclans.admin.clanplayer.remove
