OS X support

Issue #22 on hold
Ulf Hammarqvist created an issue

Hey, been stalking the repo a bit and seems there has been at least some OS X efforts in the past judging by non-windows threading stuff?

I am pondering picking up the porting work, need to learn how to X-Code anyway ;)

However, setting up separate projects is a PITA. Are you familiar with CMake? If not, I highly recommend taking a look at it. Used correctly, it's just a cross platform project file, which generates IDE solutions (or makefiles if that's your fancy) for you - abstracting this step. Great stuff.

If you are open to contributions I could take a look at creating a simple CMake file for your project, which then can be used to generate a Visual Studio solution as well as an X-Code solution. Doing so, I would probably also remove the need for envirmoental variables and let Cmake map that up.

But, if you have plans or you find this idea rejective I'll hold off any efforts.

Comments (6)

  1. Steffen Fuerst repo owner

    Yes, I know CMake (but never worked with it). Some time ago I planned to port the extension to OS X by updating JUCE to the actual version (which will likely cause some work) and then use the Projucer to generate the X-Code and Visual Studio projects. I expect that this would be easier then using CMake, but of course CMake should work too.

    I also tried sometime ago to port the extension, and from this experience I can tell you that the Cockos code (Swell etc.) caused my a lot of headache.

    But it would be really great if you could work on the port, and I would try to support it as good as I can.

  2. Ulf Hammarqvist reporter

    (i'm ulfh on cockos forum btw)

    Porting to new version of JUCE and could perhaps be an option as well. The big benefit with cmake is not having to check in "solution" files, but since this project isn't that humongous maintaining separate solutions may not be that cumbersome...

    I'll see where I get on the cmake route and let you know if I have something.

  3. Martin Thomas

    Hi, I would be very interested in the outcome of porting to OSX. I am using Reaper on MAC with a Behringer X-Touch. Would love to have more integration with plugins.



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