Coordinate off-sets

Issue #5 resolved
Christian Herenz repo owner created an issue

The catalog coordinates are always significantly off-centered compared to what would be expected from deep HST imaging.

One possible source of error is the datacubes astronometry. However, I believe it is more likely that something in the cataloging tool is not correct. Especially the calculation of coordinates is performed on sub-cubes and so I have to translate coordinate systems back and forth at this step... There a lot of stuff could go wrong...

Attached is a screenshot of the problem. Mostly the sources are off-set to the west - but sometimes also a little bit to the south ... In our case the x-axis runs directly from west to east and the y-axis runs from south to north.


Comments (3)

  1. Christian Herenz reporter
    • changed status to open

    ok - I'm confsused - so 0 in wcs_obj.wcs_pix2world(x_coords,y_coords,0) seems to be correct - because the coordinates in the lsd_cat are 0-indexed...

    We were affected by this since an older version of was running on our MUSE machine. So it was already fixed in the code - 1ef253c9d28c then broke it again ... TGIF

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