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Kurck's mini games / The Dark Path

#The Dark Path#

Follow the Dark Path. Or just run around like a headless chicken to collect all 46 thoughts.


How to play

Download the zip file: Linux, Mac OS X (untested), or Windows (Windows 7 works, 8.1 doesn't seem to work). Unzip it, and run the executable.

Make sure you have Java 8 or later installed.


  • Mouse: look around
  • W: forward
  • S: backward
  • A: strafe left
  • D: strafe right
  • Space: jump a tiny little bit
  • R: return to the start
  • Q (only when dead): exit the game
  • Esc: exit the game

Known issues

  • Some pits and cracks might cause death.
  • Graphical glitches at the start of the game.
  • Graphical glitch around texts.
  • Someone lost the map.
  • I haven't found a way to climb out of the volcano after jumping into it.
