
Clone wiki

LD_Base / Home


Welcome to the wiki, it's pretty bare bones.

Project Description

Base code for creating a Ludum Dare 48 hour game in the browser. Uses pure javascript and html5 and webgl stuff.

All code (except for external libraries, which have their own respective licenses) are released into the public domain to use however you please (but of course, provided with no warranty or guarantee, as is, use at your own risk, blah blah).

This is a personal project that I'm mostly creating for myself, but released to the public in the off-chance someone may find some use for it. Please don't abuse my intentions :)

Demo: Demo

The demo is a basic shell of a sort-of platformer, but the code can easily be used as a starting point for any type of game, even 3d games.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
