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oceano_data_toolbox / Figures generated during the glider processing (1st step)

Figures generated during the glider processing (1st step)

The idea of the function plot_step1_process_glider_data.m is to generate plots for each section defined by the user in the loadosnapmissionparam.m function. The figure parameters and the plot parameters (variable to plot, limits, labels) are defined in the function graphparamgliderproc.m, making very easy to plot new variable, without having to copy/paste the same code. Both of these functions are located under oceano_data_toolbox/glider_toolbox/users_param/

Series of shifted profiles

  • A first type of useful figure to assess the quality of the data, is a figure displaying series of temperature, salinity or potential density profiles shifted 6 by 6 (3 dives and 3 climbs)


Also available for T-S diagrams:


Profiles plots

  • Temperature, salinity, potential density profiles and TS-diagrams are also generated for each section. Here is an example of salinity profiles (with profiles from reference database in gray): sg603_OSNAP4_step1_sec4_profiles_salin.png

Time-series plots

  • Temperature, salinity, vertical velocity and other variables can be generated for each section. Here is an example of time-series of all the salinity data acquired during the mission: sg603_OSNAP4_step1_sec1_timeseries_salin.png

Depth Average Current stick-vectors and time-series plots


Map with Depth Average Current with colored variable

Here is an example of a map of the DAC along the glider track with the time in color. Other variable can be represented in color, examples are showed on the wiki page for the figures generated during the 2nd step of the processing (after detiding the DAC) sg603_OSNAP4_step1_sec4_DAC_map_time.png

Scatter plots

Here is an example of a section in salinity: sg603_OSNAP4_step1_sec6_section_salinity.png
