ERROR:vcontact2: Could not find Diamond in $PATH.

Issue #54 resolved
Former user created an issue

When running vcontact2: ERROR:vcontact2: Could not find Diamond in $PATH. ERROR:vcontact2: Could not find MCL (specifically mcxload) in $PATH.

however both commands are in $PATH when I try either:

echo $PATH
which diamond


import os
import shutil


locate = shutil.which('diamond')

the vcontact2 script looks fine to me, so I do not know what to do

Comments (2)

  1. Ben Bolduc

    I’m assuming vConTACT2 was installed via Anaconda? or is it bleeding edge? (via bitbucket?)

    Looks like they’re in your PATH and available to the system, but not vConTACT2…

    Which version of vConTACT2 are you using? I admit I need to update the Bioconda package with the latest version.


  2. Ben Bolduc

    Should be resolved with recent update(s) to, recommended Anaconda install instructions, and/or Singularity definition file.

    Please re-open if issue persists!

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