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Atlassian Bamboo FindBugs plugin

This is an Atlassian Bamboo plugin, which provides the ability to view FindBugs results.


Visit "View FindBugs" plugin at Atlassian Marketplace.

FindBugs view

This plugin lists your results from FindBugs.


FindBugs result on plan-level

FindBugs result on job-level

FindBugs report


After installing this plugin, you have a new Bamboo-task Process FindBugs result.

Process FindBugs result task type

Add this task to your job-tasks:

Task configuration

If your Bamboo-job was already producing target/findbugsXml.xml (this file-path is configurable at task-setting), you are done with configuration.

If not, add another task, which runs before "Process FindBugs result". This other task has to produce FindBugs XML output.

Here is a Maven-example:

mvn clean compile findbugs:findbugs

"Process FindBugs result" task configuration options

Option Description Required
Path to FindBugs XML result file Content as name suggests. Path is relative to working directory yes, but is prefilled
