Extra admin update option

Issue #15 resolved
Jarek Głowacki created an issue

Currently updating as admin updates tower/item in the current thread. Would it be possible to add a secondary tickbox option to create a new thread when uploading an update as admin (that's still in the original creator's name)? Because some updates may be so small they don't deserve credit, however they may also be slightly controversial/different, so it'd be good to still be able to view the the tower's earlier version.

Comments (7)

  1. Jarek Głowacki reporter

    Also, if i update a tower/item as admin, is it added to the 'updated towers/items' count when i grab the .tar? I think it should be (if it isn't).

  2. MasterCassim repo owner

    This was in fact not counted but I added it now which means it will be checked for the release.

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