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WADQC / Glossary


production installation

A production installation consists of:

  • Orthanc installed from standard Ubuntu repositories
  • PostgreSQL installed from standard Ubuntu repositories
  • wadadmin and waddashboard running on apache2
  • Orthanc, PostgreSQL, and wadprocessor controlled by systemd
  • Orthanc, PostgreSQL, wadprocessor, wadadmin, waddashboard running as non-privileged user.

In Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10 orthanc-postgresql is missing in the repositories. Therefore, installing Orthanc from the standard Ubuntu repositories will result in Orthanc using a SQLite database. This will work fine, but if a PostgreSQL is desired, Orthanc should be installed from another source (e.g. precompiled package from the WAD-QC developers).

development installation

A development installation consists of a fully working WAD-QC installation, where all services are installed in a user's home folder and can be used without interference with already installed system packages.

  • Orthanc with PostgreSQL plugin installed locally from a precompiled package by the WAD-QC developers
  • PostgreSQL from BigSQL installed locally
  • wadadmin and waddashboard running on their own stand-alone Werkzeug server
  • Orthanc, PostgreSQL, and wadprocessor controlled by systemd
  • Orthanc, PostgreSQL, wadprocessor, wadadmin, waddashboard running as non-privileged user.

In Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10 orthanc-postgresql is missing in the repositories. Therefore, installing Orthanc from the standard Ubuntu repositories will result in Orthanc using a SQLite database. This will work fine, but if a PostgreSQL is desired, Orthanc should be installed from another source (e.g. precompiled package from the WAD-QC developers).

To create, run the following commands in the root folder of the wadqc repository:

python3 bdist_wheel
ln -s ../dist wad_setup/dist
zip -r wad_setup

Disable system services

Installing PostgreSQL or Orthanc from standard Ubuntu repositories, automatically adds a service that starts automatically after installation and at system boot-up. As these processes need to be controlled by wadservices, the automatically added system services should be disabled and ownership of some folders should be changed to that of the non-privileged user that will run the WAD-QC server.

For user "wad" and PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 16.04, enter the following commands in a command shell:

sudo systemctl stop postgresql
sudo systemctl disable postgresql
sudo systemctl mask postgresql
sudo chown -R wad:wad /var/run/postgresql /var/log/postgresql

For user "wad" and Orthanc on Ubuntu 16.04: Enter the following commands in a command shell:

sudo systemctl stop orthanc
sudo systemctl disable orthanc
sudo systemctl mask orthanc

Creating and using a virtualenv

The WAD-QC server should be run by a non-privileged user. As such the python packages should be installed in the user's home (use the --user flag for pip commands) or in a virtualenv.

If is used with a recipe that specifies a virtualenv that does not exist, it will create one automatically, effectively performing the steps below.

* prerequisites to work with virtualenv on Ubuntu16

Open a new command shell, and enter the following commands:

pip install --user --upgrade virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
echo "export PATH=\$HOME/.local/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export WORKON_HOME=\$HOME/Envs" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "source \$HOME/.local/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc

* create a new virtualenv for WAD-QC with python3

Open a new command shell, and enter the following commands:

mkvirtualenv wad2env3 --python=/usr/bin/python3

* activate virtualenv

workon wad2env3
