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NeGuen Tools / Changelog / 1.2.92

Version 1.2.92:


  • Introduced folder Demos.
  • Updated NG Remote Scene to handle hew IResolver.

[NG Asset Finder]

  • Changed version to 2.3.
  • Fixed PrefabUtility warnings in >Unity 2018.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Moved SubAssetBrowser from Asset Finder into Core.
  • Removed legacy code.
  • Updated code to use new nested Prefab system.

[NG Console]

  • Changed version to 1.7.
  • Added an overload of NGDebug.Snapshot() to handle a prefix.
  • Added try/catch when applying a theme to avoid a disaster.
  • Fixed ExitGUIException thrown from After/BeforeGUIHeader.
  • Fixed LogFilters not being serialized anymore.
  • Fixed Module Main not serializing its streams.
  • Fixed Row constructor's delegate constructing only DefaultRow.
  • Fixed Unity 2019.2 compatibility issue.
  • Fixed rare null currentVars being thrown in a RowsDrawer.
  • Fixed serialized private field moduleID being lost after a recompilation.
  • Fixed workingStream in Vars not being clamped during init, therefore causing out of range exception when corrupted.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Heavily optimized how logs are rendered, now handling high scale much efficiently.
  • Implemented copy of sub-parts of a JSON log.
  • Implemented default binding in HotkeyAttribute.
  • Improved compiler's tab GUI now displaying warnings and errors counts.
  • Moved SnapshotToString() from NGDebug to InternalNGDebug.
  • Moved window Color Markers under button on opening.
  • Optimized GUI of CompileRow.
  • Optimized calls to Unity API.
  • Optimized rendering of rows' background.
  • Removed legacy code.
  • Removed useless context argument in SnapshotToString().

[NG Core]

  • Changed main version to 1.2.92.
  • Changed version to 1.8.
  • Added CompiledAgainstUnity up to Unity 2022.
  • Added a minimum time in WatchTime.
  • Added contextual debug when de/serializing network fields.
  • Added default value to argument in NGRealTimeEditorDebug.Set().
  • Added exception in Attribute BufferIf when argument expectedValues is invalid.
  • Added several icons into UtilityResources.
  • Added styles TabLeft/Right, CogDropdown and CenteredSmallLabel in GeneralStyles.
  • Cached local identifier in NG Check GUID.
  • Changed ErrorPopup to handle generic error instead of exception.
  • Changed Utility.StartBackgroundTask() to execute the task when enqueuing.
  • Changed WatchTime dispose's sub-millisecond log detail.
  • Changed code to guarantee NG assemblies are correctly detected.
  • Changed the timing NGHotkeys.GenerateDefaultHotkeys() is invoked.
  • Decorated MonoBehaviours with attribute HelpURL.
  • Embedded UON into NG Core.
  • Fixed ArrayUON not handling separator chars in text.
  • Fixed Bg/ColorContentAnimator corrupting the style.
  • Fixed DefaultTcpClient being obfuscated and unknown to NG Remote Scene assemblies.
  • Fixed GUIStyleOverride not correctly initialized and serializing the style.
  • Fixed InternalNGDebug.LogFormat() not correctly calling LogFormat().
  • Fixed NG Settings instance leaking after every compilation.
  • Fixed NGSettings leak after each compilation.
  • Fixed PersistentObject not cleaning data when setting an object.
  • Fixed ReadBooleans() not reading the exact amount of bytes.
  • Fixed TooltipHelper not correctly clamping tooltipRect.
  • Fixed TooltipHelper throwing exception when no current window is found.
  • Fixed TooltipHelper wrongly checking the hash code for custom tooltip.
  • Fixed TypeSelector to draw a blank space at the bottom when null value is enabled.
  • Fixed Unity 2019.2 compatibility issue.
  • Fixed Utility.GetType() not caching the right class name.
  • Fixed a current modified NG Settings file triggering fallback to shared settings.
  • Fixed cleaning corrupted settings failing when dealing with project-file NG Settings.
  • Fixed exception in NG Hotkeys settings when there is no settings.
  • Fixed hotkeys called due to GetAsyncKeyState() not properly manipulated.
  • Fixed loading NG Settings from a path failing to fallback when the path does not exist.
  • Fixed opening an error popup generating GUI clipping error.
  • Fixed out of range exception when TickIntervalCallbacks() unregisters from a callback.
  • Fixed submitting a report not mentionning the tool.
  • Forced repaint of Preferences when opening it the first time to display deferred loading resources.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Handled ExitGUIException in GUICallbackWindow.
  • Handled GUI clips stack in TooltipHelper.
  • Implemented AssemblyTarget in Generic Type Selector.
  • Implemented ColorStyleRestorer.
  • Implemented Component persistency in PersistentObject.
  • Implemented ConfirmWindow.
  • Implemented ConvertTypeToString() in Utility.
  • Implemented DeleteEditorPref() in Utility.
  • Implemented EnumSelector.
  • Implemented ExtractTypes() in UON.
  • Implemented FormerlySerializedAs in UON.
  • Implemented Get/SetComponentEnabled() in Utility.
  • Implemented GroupAttribute having no name to keep the previous stated.
  • Implemented IParentResolver to handle ascendent resolver. Now IResolver can only handle itself.
  • Implemented NGEditorWindow and NGPopupEditorWindow. They contain advance GUI features (rule overlay, window parenting, advance tooltip, GUI wrapping).
  • Implemented PersistentMethodInvoke.
  • Implemented RectInt/Type/Vector2Int/Vector3IntUON.
  • Implemented ShowNotification() in CSharpExtension to handle a duration.
  • Implemented StringBuilder extension Append() taking a char and a color.
  • Implemented TooltipHelper in window NG Settings.
  • Implemented a filter to validate members in TypeMembersSelector.
  • Implemented ascendent lookup when searching IResolver.
  • Implemented cache in Utility.IsComponentEnableable().
  • Implemented default binding in HotkeyAttribute.
  • Implemented extension Contains() using a Vector2 for RectInt.
  • Implemented extension ShowAsDropDownFitToScreen() for EditorWindow.
  • Implemented interceptor in UnityObjectUON.
  • Implemented overloads of OpenWindow() in Utility to handle non-generic window type.
  • Implemented prefab stage update in RootGameObjectsManager.
  • Implemented safe UON.FromUON().
  • Implemented small version of Info/Warning/ErrorIcon in UtilityResources.
  • Improved Contact Form to auto-close itself on submission or auto-disable on failure.
  • Improved IResolver to use a string identifier instead of an integer. Also now provides the selected Gameobject when extracting the callback.
  • Improved NGHotkeys input handler.
  • Improved PersistentObject to handle nested prefab when a stage is present.
  • Improved PersistentObject to handled nested prefabs and the stage prefab.
  • Improved Utility.GetIcon().
  • Improved Utility.GetLocalIdentifierFromObject().
  • Improved error handling in Array/List/ClassUON.
  • Improved handling of Rect in screen space in TooltipHelper.
  • Improved handling of destroyed Object in PersistentObject.
  • Moved ArgumentDrawers from NG Remote Scene to NG Core.
  • Moved ErrorPopup to Reusables.
  • Moved SnapshotToString() from NGDebug to InternalNGDebug.
  • Moved SubAssetBrowser from Asset Finder into Core.
  • Moved WatchTime into Engine namespace.
  • Moved fetching user's name and email into Utility.
  • Optimized drawing of witnesses in Vertical/HorizontalScrollbar.
  • Optimized rendering on Vertical/HorizontalScrollbar.
  • Prevented AbstractTcpListener to stop the server when it has not even started.
  • Prevented Conf to read/write when running on a Switch.
  • Prevented PersistentObject to serialized the Object.
  • Prevented Save/LoadEditorPref to throw when UON is failing.
  • Prevented UnityAssemblyVerifier to fail on a given null argument.
  • Prevented infinite exceptions in NG Hotkey's static constructor.
  • Prevented interval callbacks to fail and survive.
  • Raised cacheNumbers from 256 to 4096 in Utility.
  • Refactored restorers.
  • Removed legacy code.
  • Removed suffix "(Component)" in Sub Asset Browser.
  • Removed unused field Hidden in NGAssemblyInfo.
  • Removed unused file.
  • Renamed FreeLicenseOverlay's check file.
  • Renamed SelectionItem by PersistentObject.
  • Renamed TypeMembersSelectorWindow with TypeMembersSelector.
  • Renamed TypeSelectorWindow with TypeSelector.
  • Renamed class FormerlySerializedAs withFormerlySerializedAsAttribute.
  • Replaced HttpWebRequest by UnityWebRequest in Contact Form.
  • Restored legacy code.
  • Revamped GenericTypeSelectorWizard to handle anything instead of just Type.
  • Updated AssetsSelection to handle optional persistence.
  • Updated code to use new nested Prefab system.
  • Updated wiki base URL.

[NG Draggable Object]

  • Changed version to 1.4.
  • Fixed PrefabUtility warnings in >Unity 2018.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Removed legacy code.
  • Updated code to use new nested Prefab system.

[NG Fav]

  • Changed version to 1.6.
  • Added a notification when picking a color with alpha below 0.2.
  • Added an alpha reminder when color picking the background.
  • Fixed PrefabUtility warnings in >Unity 2018.
  • Fixed drop area not always displaying once a drag has started.
  • Fixed multi windows selection just selecting from the first window.
  • Fixed serialized private fields scrollPosition & backgroundColor being lost after a recompilation.
  • Implemented Ctrl modifier when selecting a favorite to add it to Selection.
  • Implemented context menu.
  • Implemented current profile to be clamped even when switching NG Settings.
  • Implemented drop area at the bottom of the window. (Requested by olissea)
  • Implemented focus of Hierarchy or Project window when pinging an Object/Asset.
  • Updated AssetsSelection to handle optional persistence.
  • Updated code to use new nested Prefab system.

[NG Game Console]

  • Changed version to 1.7.
  • Decorated MonoBehaviours with attribute HelpURL.
  • Fixed module Remote not having setting highlighedMatchStyleOverride with rich text by default.
  • Updated code from WWW to UnityWebRequest.
  • Updated code to new NG Console's logs rendering.

[NG Hierarchy Enhancer]

  • Changed version to 1.3.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.

[NG Hub]

  • Changed version to 1.7.
  • Fixed drag data considered true while it has nothing.
  • Fixed drop area not always displaying once a drag has started.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Implemented default binding in HotkeyAttribute.
  • Implemented validator in Hub Component to define its visibility.
  • Prevented creating window extension when compiling.
  • Updated HubComponent Static Method Caller to use Type[Member]Selector.

[NG Inspector Gadget]

  • Changed version to 1.3.
  • Fixed NG Reorder Components not properly checking if Component has an enabled.
  • Fixed PrefabUtility warnings in >Unity 2018.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Updated code to use new nested Prefab system.

[NG Licenses]

  • Changed version to 1.6.
  • Added "NGTools" as a friend assembly.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Removed unused field Hidden in NGAssemblyInfo.

[NG Missing Script Recovery]

  • Changed version to 1.4.
  • Fixed PrefabUtility warnings in >Unity 2018.
  • Moved CustomEditor to a separate file to let the user disable it.
  • Updated code to use new nested Prefab system.

[NG Nav Selection]

  • Changed version to 1.4.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Updated AssetsSelection to handle optional persistence.

[NG Prefs]

  • Changed version to 1.4.
  • Fixed refreshing preferences not preventing rendering while async loading.
  • Forced repaint when refreshing the preferences.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.

[NG Remote Scene]

  • Changed version to 2.1.
  • Added guidance when capturePath is invalid.
  • Fixed ClientComponent's icon in NG R Inspector not correctly initialized.
  • Fixed ClientConnectPacket misusing Attribute BufferIf overload.
  • Fixed PrefabUtility warnings in >Unity 2018.
  • Fixed clearing data before calling HierarchyDisconnected preventing callers to properly uninitialize their state.
  • Fixed empty capturePath throwing exception.
  • Fixed tabs not properly saved.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Implemented a scroll position per tab.
  • Moved ArgumentDrawers from NG Remote Scene to NG Core.
  • Removed legacy code.
  • Updated Component exposers.
  • Updated code to use new nested Prefab system.

[NG Scenes]

  • Changed version to 1.6.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Implemented default binding in HotkeyAttribute.
  • Removed legacy code.
  • Replaced Label by ElasticLabel in build list drawer.
  • Restored legacy code.

[NG Spotlight]

  • Changed version to 1.1.
  • Fixed Unity 2019.2 compatibility issue.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Implemented default binding in HotkeyAttribute.
  • Implemented spawn of window under the mouse on Mac.
  • Removed legacy code.
  • Restored legacy code.

[NG Static Inspector]

  • Changed version to 1.1.
  • Fixed exiting GUI being catched as an error.
  • Fixed restoring tabs and refreshing filters before loading static types.
  • Greatly reduced initialization time.
  • Implemented a scroll position per tab.

[NG Sync Folders]

  • Changed version to 1.6.
  • Changed new filter being active by default.


  • Embedded UON into NG Core.
  • Implemented Rect/Vector2/Vector3/Vector4UON.
  • Improved fetching Type now searching in other assemblies.
