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Potato / Setup (Visual Studio 2010)

Here's a quick rundown on how to get the source code up and running in Visual Studio 2010. So let's get started!

Setting up a Visual Studio 2010 project

As you can see, there's no Visual Studio 2010 project. This project has no Makefiles either, but there's a premake4 file. You'll need a simple application called premake4. You can get it here:

After getting premake4, open a command line at the current folder. Run the following command:

premake4 vs2010

Now you should have a Visual Studio 2010 project file. Open it, have a bit fun.

Compiling Potato on Visual Studio 2010

You may try to compile. If you don't have the necessary dependencies set up, you'll fail. So, let's setup them!


The Potato project depends on the following external libraries:

SOIL and JsonCpp code bases are already included in the source code. You'll only need to download the latest version of GLM, GLEW and SDL.

Big fat warning: get the 32 bits binaries and libraries only!

Setting up SDL

Download the VC development libraries from the SDL site (

Your zip file should have a file structure like this:

  • SDL-1.2.<Something>
    • docs
    • include
    • lib
      • x86
      • x64

Create two directories in the project's root directory (the directory that contains src and data):

  • lib
  • include

Inside the *include* directory create a new directory called SDL. Extract all files inside the zip's *include* directory into the newly created SDL directory.

Now extract the lib\x86 files into the newly created lib folder.

SDL done. Now onto GLEW!

Setting up GLEW

Download the GLEW development libraries from the GLEW site (

Your zip file should have a file structure like this:

  • glew-1.8.0
    • bin
    • docs
    • include
    • lib
    • Other uninteresting files

Extract the include and lib directories into the project's root directory I talked you about.

Setting up GLM

This one is easy. You just need to download the latest version of GLM from

Then extract the libraries into include folder.

All development libraries are set up.

Running it

Now, you have all the development libraries that you need to compile the project. But what about running? Time to grab some DLLs!

You'll need the GLEW and SDL libraries. I've been targeting the x86 systems (on Windows), so I recommend you to get the 32 bit libraries.

Get the SDL runtime library at In the GLEW development libraries you've downloaded there's a bin folder. There's the GLEW DLL.

Extract both DLLs into the project root. You should be OK now. Develop, send in patches, have fun!
