Show required styles for advanced special abilities

Issue #140 closed
Nando Neck created an issue

It would be great to have an evaluation, which styles could provide the advanced special abilities in the prerequisite check

  1. For this the data of all styles of the specific group (karma/magical/talent/combat/…) needs to be evaluated and the fitting styles need to be added to the advanced special abilities
  2. Also the available extended skills should be shown for all styles
  3. in Kompendium2 there are parameters “Erschwernis“, those should also be shown (probably renamed first to difficulty or something similar)
  4. every extended technique needs to be set in the parameter “advancedspecialabilities“ then out of this the prerequisites for the extended techniques will be generated and also the available extended techniques of a style will be shown
    the specialrules for the styles need to be removed and also the prequisite “passender …stil“ from the extended spabs

Comments (6)

  1. Bernhard Jung repo owner
    1. This happens since commit 4c4cd8d. The advanced abilities need to be set in the advancedspecialabilities JSON attribute of the fighting styles/special abilities. This will automatically add the style as a prerequisite to the advanced ability.
    2. For this to happen someone needs to go through the JSON files of the styles and add a arrray of ID with all the advanced abilities as “advancedspecialabilities” attribute.
    3. Added in commit 4c17e72. The penalty can now be set in a penalty attribute. The format is rather complex as a lot of penalties are not just a number. The format is described in the wiki: Check modifier
    4. I don’t get this point. Where is this functionality? Isn’t this point 2 and we actually want to show the special abilities.

    I think points 1 to 3 are resolved. Point 4 needs clarification.

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