rulebook: Achaz - Schuppenkleid & Lange Zungen (Wesenszüge, status, bestiary)

Issue #349 on hold
Nando Neck created an issue

The following content is contained in the rulebook:

Type number pages
gods ✅ 14 13-16
species⚠ (sizes and weights need to be checked, 2 haircolorrolls are needed to determine the color-combination) 1 17-18
speciesraces⚠ (sizes and weights need to be checked, 2 haircolorrolls are needed to determine the color-combination, some attributes are not used properly) 5 17-18
cultures ⚠ (Die Profession Meistertalentierter fehlt) 3 19-22
commonnames ✅ 3 19-22
professions ✅ 6 23-28
professiongroups ✅ 1 24,25
advantages ⚠ (ähnlich zu den Orks, aber hier fehlt noch der Vorteil Schwanzschlag) 7 28-29
disadvantages ✅ 1 29
spab-general ✅ 1 29
spab-combat ✅ 1 29
focusrules⚠ (Wesenszüge) 2 30,33
spab-fightingstyles ✅ 3 30
spab-combatextended ✅ 9 30-32
Wesenszüge 17 33-35
magical traditions ✅ 3 36,44-45
enchantmentgroups ✅ 3 37,38,42
enchantments-scalesbag ⚠ (volume) 12 37-38
enchantments-crystalball ⚠ (volume, dependency enchantment missing) 16 39-41
enchantments-lizardhood ⚠ (property) 8 42-43
equipment ✅ 12 43,59
meleeweapons✅ 8 43,59-60
rangedweapons✅ 3 43,59
status 1 46
blessed traditions ✅ 4 46-50
chant spects ✅ 8 46-50
spab-zeremonialgegenstände ⚠ (dependency & aspect unclear) 18 46-49
chants ✅ 15 50-53
chants-ceremonies ✅ 15 53-56
equipment packages ✅ 1 59
shields ✅ 1 60
armors ✅ 1 60
bestiary 10 60-65
spap animal combat manouvre 3 63,65


  • advantage “Natürliche Waffe (Schwanz)” enables another advantage “Schwanzschlag“, which is not defined
  • culture “Stammesachaz“ expects a profession “Meistertalentierter“, that is not defined somewhere
  • profession “Kristallomant“ references the cantrip “Warmes Blut“, which is not defined
  • profession “Kristallomant“ suggests talent specialization “Götter & Kulte“ → I think this should rather be part of the profession “Achazschamane“, where it is missing
  • spells that have the “Kristallomanten“ tradition are not listed explicitly
  • enchantment “Zauberspeicher-Kristallkugel” requires as dependency the enchantment “Merkmalsfokus“, which is not defined for the “Kristallkugel” → is defined for the “Magerstab“ and can be copied eventually
  • spab-zeremonialgegenstand “Erfrierung verursachen” requires the same spab-type named “Eishaut“, which is not defined → here I changed it with dependency for spab “Keulenweihe”, no spab “Freundschaft des Tieres“
  • spab-zeremonialgegenstand “Pflanzensuche“, “Pflanzenerkennung“ & “Erholsamer Schlaf“ uses three different aspects not from the blessed tradition of “Zsahh” → I changed them to “Fürsorge“, the second aspect of Zsahh

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