BK DISCUSS: application/jwt too broad

Issue #101 resolved
Nat Sakimura repo owner created an issue

Relatedly, using application/jwt as the Content-type of the
HTTP response from dereferencing the request_uri with no explicit
indication of the type/profile of JWT used (whether in the content type
or in the JWT claims themselves) gives some risk of misinterpretation of
the content.  Consider, for example, when that request_uri is
dereferenced not by the authorization server in the process of
fulfilling an authorization request, but instead by some other service
that expects a different type of JWT.

This second point is a "discuss discuss&" -- it's an important question
and I'd like to talk about it, but it's not clear that any change to the
document will be needed.

Looks like Ben is suggesting to create a new MIME-type such as application/oauth.authz.req+wt

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