BK DISCUSS: Consent and collection minimization

Issue #102 resolved
Nat Sakimura repo owner created an issue

The introduction notes as an advantage of JWT that:

   (d)  (collection minimization) The request can be signed by a third
        party attesting that the authorization request is compliant with
        a certain policy.  For example, a request can be pre-examined by
        a third party that all the personal data requested is strictly
        necessary to perform the process that the end-user asked for,
        and statically signed by that third party.  The authorization
        server then examines the signature and shows the conformance
        status to the end-user, who would have some assurance as to the
        legitimacy of the request when authorizing it.  In some cases,
        it may even be desirable to skip the authorization dialogue
        under such circumstances.

I'm pretty uncomfortable about suggesting that the authorization
dialogue can/should be skipped; do we need to keep this example?

We could remove it for now, as it is nothing normative, though I have to point out that it is well understood in the privacy community that relying on “user consent” is a very very bad idea.

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