"Beta-function" test from HyperTests.mpl fails

Issue #2 closed
Vitaly Magerya created an issue

Hi, Erik. This is what I get with Maple 2016.2 when running 'maple HyperTests.mpl' against the latest commit in master (4e1fd6a):

> B := series(Beta(1-y*t, 1-x*t+y*t), t = 0, N+1):
> B := simplify(add(coeff(B, t, n), n = 0 .. N)):
> Test(simplify(subs([seq(z[n] = Zeta(n), n = 2 .. 20)], X)), B, "Beta-function"):
Error, (in Test) Test Beta-function FAILED: Expected
but got

I'm also attaching the full log, just in case.

Comments (6)

  1. Erik Panzer repo owner

    Thank you Vitaly! It seems there was a change in simplify() in the new Maple version. I amended the HyperTests.mpl file with a hope to fix this. Please let me know if you can now successfully run the tests.

  2. Vitaly Magerya reporter

    Yeah, the tests pass now, in the dev branch. Well done. Will you update the master branch too?

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