"Error, (in transformShuffle) Array index out of range" for Hlogs of weight 12

Issue #7 resolved
Vitaly Magerya created an issue

Hi. So I'm getting this error when trying to reduce Hlogs of weight 12:

$ maple
> read "HyperInt.mpl";
> fibrationBasis(Hlog(1-y-z,[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]),[y,z]);
Error, (in transformShuffle) Array index out of range

Weight 11 seems fine. The error is present both in the master and the dev branches.

I'm guessing that the reason is the fixed size of the result array. Increasing it seems to help for the moment. Maybe you'd want to make it dynamic? In any case, HyperInt seems to be super slow above weight 9, so maybe weight 12 is not that big of a concern, but still. (Any advice on the performance above weight 9 is appreciated, of course).

Comments (3)

  1. Erik Panzer repo owner

    Thank you Vitaly for reporting this! And my apologies for the long delay. It should be fixed now.

    I agree that HyperInt has room for performance improvements at high weights; the current handling of shuffle products is not optimal. If you have any specific examples of operations that take particularly long (but should be possible much quicker), please send them to me. This would help in figuring out possible improvements.

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