Clone wikisec2 / Server_Administration
SCMD Commands
- scmd login [password]
- scmd logout
- scmd listclients
- scmd listmaps
- scmd listgameoptions
- scmd listuserbans
- scmd bootid [id]
- scmd banuser [id]
- scmd unbanuser [id]
- scmd bootname [name]
- scmd nextmap
- scmd nextround
- scmd setmap [id]
- scmd showgameoption [id]
- scmd setgameoption [id] [value]
CMD Commands
- cmd_pause
- cmd_restart
- cmd_team [id]
- cmd_balance
- cmd_slay [id]
- cmd_burn [id] [% damage = multiples of 25]
- cmd_fry [id] [% damage = multiples of 25]
- cmd_energy [id] [% damage = multiples of 25]
- cmd_warnuser [id] [reason]
- cmd_slayall (might be a useful workaround for the respawn bug)
- cmd_listipbans
- cmd_banip [ip addr]
- cmd_banuserip [id]
- cmd_unbanip [id]
- cmd_listtempbans
- cmd_tempbanuser [id]
- cmd_untempbanuser [id]
- cmd_fulldebug [id]
- cmd_debug [id]
- cmd_debugall
- cmd_chgpass [new_scmd_pass] (note: does not save to disk)
- cmd_mute [id]
- cmd_forcespectate [id]
- cmd_msg [id] [message]
- cmd_reserveuser [id]
- cmd_unreserveuser [id]
- cmd_listreservedusers
- cmd_lockserver <password>
- cmd_unlockserver
- cmd_unarmed <option> [0=disabled, 1=enabled, 2=enabled + no nades]
- cmd_scramble
- cmd_showsec2option [option]
- cmd_setsec2option [option] [value] [*changes only valid until next server reboot*]