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To give you an idea of what you can do with the app, various sample scripts are included in the Examples folder included with Pythonista. use them as starting points for your own experiments. To share your creations, get help with coding problems, or just to meet fellow Pythonistians, please visit our Community Forums

Getting Started

If you're new to Pythonista, here are some tips to help get up and running:

  • To create a new script, first tap to reveal the library, then + (at the bottom). You can also use left and right swipe gestures to switch between the file browser, editor, and console panels.

  • The settings ("gear" button in the file browser) contain useful options to customize the editor font, color theme, indentation type (tabs/spaces), and much more.

  • Swipe left to show the console panel. This is where text output appears, and you can use the prompt at the bottom to evaluate individual lines of Python code directly.

  • You'll also find the included documentation in the console panel; simply tap the (?) button to open it in a separate tab. Reference documentation is also available while you're editing code -- simply select a word (e.g. a function name), and choose Help… from the menu.

  • For easier navigation in long scripts, tap the file name at the top to show a list of classes and functions. This is also where you can rename the current file.


Here are some tips for use in Pythonista:

  • Tap and hold the run (▷) button for some additional options, e.g. to pass arguments (sys.argv) to your scripts, or to run the integrated PEP8 style checker.

  • Tap the Edit button in the "wrench" menu to add your own script shortcuts there. You can use this to launch your favorite scripts more quickly, or to extend the editor's functionality with the editor module.

  • A lot of keys on Pythonista's extra keyboard row have multiple mappings. For example, you can tap and hold the tab key to get an unindent option.

  • Tap with two fingers in the editor to select an entire line of code.

  • You can run Pythonista scripts directly within other apps that support the standard iOS share sheet. To get started, open the share sheet in a supported app (e.g. Safari, Notes, Maps...) and select "More..." to add the Pythonista action extension. You can use the appex module to access data that was passed to the share sheet (e.g. the current URL in Safari, location data in Maps, etc.).

  • If you use Pythonista with an external (Bluetooth) keyboard, you can show a list of available shortcuts by pressing and holding the Cmd key.

  • Swipe left on a file in the script library to open it in a new tab or move it to the trash.

Good Python books

Here is a list of some books on Python (The coding language Pythonista uses) that I found useful:
