[1.18.2] Duplication glitch with Create (even on 2.37)

Issue #147 new
Robin created an issue

Pretty much the same bug as described in this previously resolved issue is still happening on the latest version of both Effortless Building and Create. I’ve also posted in the thread of the previous issue, but as it was resolved I wasn’t sure whether commenting on it would actually reach you -- and it is a very game breaking bug -- which is why i’m creating this new issue.

Previous issue: https://bitbucket.org/Requios/effortless-building/issues/138/1182-item-duplication-create-mod (pretty much exactly the same glitch as what is happening now)

I’ve placed the priority on critical as this bug allows the easy and rapid duplication of any item (not just Create), making it extremely game breaking for any Create based modpacks that want to use Effortless Building.

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