Duplicating blocks in survival

Issue #43 resolved
Former user created an issue

Somehow I can press undo with "Normal" and it gives me the blocks and leaves the blocks placed.. effectively a duping bug. If I place a granite block undo transforms it into a stone block.

Any compatibility issues?

Comments (7)

  1. AlexProgrammer

    Also this works with mirror, array and radial mirror, the block placed by hand drops item after undo but stays in the world in block form

  2. Requios repo owner

    Found the issue. That is the one block that is placed by vanilla and not by my code. And it needs to be otherwise things like Veinminer and Tinkers Hammer don’t work. The problem is that by the time it (and the rest of the mirrored/array blocks) gets added to the undo stack, that one block is already placed. So the previous state is not air but already that block. So it did undo (and drops the block), except it placed the exact same block…

    I added some checks to make sure that can’t happen again, and I added some code to make that one block turn into air. Fixed in the next version (2.13).

  3. Requios repo owner

    Fixed issue #43: Duplicating blocks in survival (undo/redo not working in normal mode). Fixed QuickReplace in normal mode not placing any blocks. Fixed blockstates sometimes changing on undo/redo. Now clearing UndoRedo stacks on clientside when changing dimension or logging out. Breaking mirror/array in survival is now possible again. Breaking blocks in survival in any buildmode is now possible (previously only in normal mode unless instabreaking was enabled). Still with limited (vanilla) reach.

    → <<cset 3921a0b70be3>>

  4. AlexProgrammer

    Thank you for working on this amazing mod 🙂

    I really enjoy it and respect your programming skills and all the time you've spent on this mod!

    Also, if not secret, how long is your programming career?

  5. Requios repo owner

    Thank you for the compliment 🙂 . It sure does take a lot of time, and with a fulltie job it sometimes gets quite difficult to find the necessary time to work on this mod and keep it updated, but people like you make it all worth it!

    I started programming at the beginning of my bachelor, 7 years ago (if you don’t count GameMaker stuff). Since then I also did a masters in game development, and now I work at a (small) game company. Do you have aspirations to become a programmer, or are you already one perhaps?

  6. AlexProgrammer

    I am interested in programming since school, but real stuff started to happen also in my bachelor beginning, 3 years ago. Unfortunately, I've never finished my projects (with exception of university stuff), and waste too much time on learning my tools, rather than using them. Atm I’m working on multiplayer strategy game with my friend (he is absolutely f***ing amazing in drawing, but wastes too much time on “optimizations” (too much details without complete object), much like me).

    Basically, yeah, I’m really close to graduation and I would like to work in gamedev, but who knows.

    That's a lotta text in a wrong place lol, would you like to chat elsewhere? (I don't know if I can send private message with my contacts here lol, registered only for issue with your mod)

  7. Requios repo owner

    I have collected a lot of unfinished projects over the years and I have to say, that doesn’t matter. I had fun working on them and I learned a lot, so it definitely wasn’t a waste of time. Even though getting experience shipping things is really important too, the first step is to learn to use the tools effectively. I think with ‘optimizations’ you mean he’s a bit of a perfectionist? That is something I have learned over the years, whenever I start working on a feature I ask myself if this is the absolute most important thing that is holding the project back right now. I always do those first, and after that I look at the ‘nice to haves’. It might be daunting to start some of those tasks, but it does give shape to the project and is the most satisfying to complete at the end of the day.

    Anyway, my discord is Requios#7827, if you wanna talk some more.

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