CCO CPS does not match CC

Issue #47 resolved
Former user created an issue


I noticed that the CPS in the optimiser does not match the CPS in the game. The attached images show CC with 7.214 Quad and CCO with 7.285.

This is immediately after importing a save from CC.

Comments (3)

  1. SighKo

    Sorry this scould be the same as issue #42

    Here is save


  2. Riikka Kalliomäki repo owner

    This is a known and intentional bug. The "Far future enactment" upgrade does not do anything in Cookie Clicker, even though it's supposed to double the Time Machine cookie output. The Optimizer actually implements the upgrade correctly, thus the difference between the CPS.

    I assumed Orteil would have fixed the bug faster, so I decided to implement the correct behavior from the start instead of the buggy behavior. However, since it seems the Orteil does not intend to fix the simple bug, I have now implemented the buggy behavior in the Optimizer as well.

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