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Unity Utility by Jordan Ajlouni

Unity Utility is a repo of useful design patterns that I use throughout my own development. The master branch contains the completed patterns I have found useful. The development branch has some that I'm experimenting with.

The most notable tools in the master branch are...

  • Global Game Events - An event pattern inside a scriptable object for a more inspector forward work flow. This is based off of Ryan Hipple's talk here.

  • Factory Pattern - A scriptable object approach to factories. Create scriptable objects with a list of objects and get one randomly by weight.

  • Variable Sets - Store sets of objects in scriptable objects so that multiple scripts can reference them easily without creating a web of references. Useful for things like tracking all active enemies.

Getting Started

This repo is a Unity project. Simply clone the repository and you can manually copy/package over the tools that you need.

Note: Not all tools in the repo are independent. The Global Game Event system is the foundation for some other tools like Variable Sets.


Requires Unity 2019. The project was last updated to 2019.2.6f1.


Jordan Ajlouni




Thanks to Ryan Hipple for his excellent talk and article on scriptable objects.
