Deploy All/Modified Metadata Should Display What It Deploys

Issue #101 resolved
Petr Švestka created an issue

"Deploy All Metadata" and "Deploy Modified Metadata" – neither of these display what it's actually going to deploy. A window with a checkbox to each file would be much better and safer.

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is a good idea, though I imagine it should be an optional step so that the extra click isn't required for those who don't need/want it. As I mentioned in your other enhancement request, I'll be looking at some overall deployment enhancements via issue #83 and perhaps a few others. This might be a good one to include in that general bucket. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    The new selective deployment dialog in shows which subset of metadata will be deployed. Note that during Deploy Modified Metadata operations, only the "dirty" subset of that will actually be deployed, but during Deploy All Metadata operations, that's exactly what will be deployed.

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