Filter SObject sub-fields/values when SOBject selected

Issue #1065 invalid
Justin Julicher created an issue

Currently when you select an SObject you have to select the Fields to display but when you open up the Custom Fields sub-section it shows all fields from all objects (in our org that is 1000's).

It would be great if either - you have this section under each SObject or the custom field section is filtered with only the selected objects.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Justin, I apologize but I don't understand the request. Are you talking about during code completion when filling out a SOQL SELECT statement? Can you provide an example of what you're doing that leads to this behavior? Sorry...I feel like I must be missing something obvious.

  2. Justin Julicher Account Deactivated reporter

    Sorry my apologies it wasn't very clear.

    In the deployment dialog when you select metadata to deploy and select an SObject and then want to deploy the related fields I would like to see the above.

    i.e. in the custom fields sub-section it shows only fields for the SOBjects you have selected.


  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, okay. So basically just some way to organize/get to the fields of specific SObjects more easily since it's a flat unfiltered list right now, correct?

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