not getting all flow versions on retrieve

Issue #1171 resolved
Matthew Scholtz created an issue

I noticed this when reporting this issue:

I have a flow (Process builder process) that has 11 versions, all of which still exist.


Currently, versions 1 through 8 and the latest version (#11, but which shows up as unnumbered) are present in my IC project. However, when I go to do a retrieve, I do not see versions 9 or 10 available for retrieve, only #11 (which gets download unnumbered.) I have tried clicking the refresh button.


Why isn't IC showing me and letting me retrieve versions 9 & 10?


Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Matthew, I'll research both of these flow-related issues that you've filed over the next few days. IC has had a workaround in place for retrieving flow versions that may no longer apply in API 44.0 and higher. My guess is that it's just getting in the way now. Hopefully this will be easy to reproduce and fix, but I'll let you know if I need anything else from you to assist with it.

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