Show connection name in status bar when deploying/validating

Issue #162 resolved
Michael Hoefer created an issue

When you have multiple branches and thus multiple dev orgs, you have multiple releases and need to keep switching the release used in your project. (A different enhancement would be to somehow make that easier, perhaps storing connection info outside the .iml or some such thing, perhaps.)

A trivial improvement would be to show which connection is being used in the status bar message. So:

Deploying [object name] to [connection name]

instead of just 'Deploying [object name]'

That doesn't prevent you from making the mistake of forgetting to switch the connection, but at least you can see your mistake easily and then correct it.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Simple enough request. I should be able to include that in one of the next couple of releases easily. The "different enhancement" aspect is captured in issue #97, by the way. Basically storage of connection info external to project configuration.

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