SLDS BEM double hyphen class name validation and migration

Issue #1811 resolved
Phil W created an issue

As per the Salesforce documentation, SLDS classes that include double hyphens were deprecated and replaced, and Summer '21 will remove support for these.

It would be excellent if IC2 included an inspection/intention pair to allow simple migration of any usages of these classes in LWC (and Aura plus SLDS in Visualforce) markup contexts.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is done for the upcoming Spring '21 / API v51.0 build that is currently planned for release next Monday. It includes both a code inspection to identify usages of BEM name references and a code intention (that can be run en masse) to update those references to replace -- with _.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Reopening as I had to pull until Spring '21 is available in all instances/orgs (see #1822). I'll re-resolve when the Spring '21 update is again released.

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