Unknown Exception whilst trying to retrieve metadata from Salesforce sandbox

Issue #192 resolved
Dave Gray created an issue

I created a new IntelliJ project by importing source from a cloned GIT repository. I then configured the Illuminated Cloud module within the project structure, successfully setting up a new connection and generating an offline symbol table. I think navigated to the src folder and picked the Retrieve Metadata option from the Illuminated Cloud menu. After selecting the package, a progress bar initially appears (see attachment) and then after a pause of about 1 minute, and error popup appears (see attachment). Error code 819125902-101858 (-652670408).

Comments (29)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Dave, sorry for the issue. If you don't mind, could you enable debug logging for retrieval and send me the resulting idea.log when the issue occurs? You can enable logging from Help>Configure Debug Log Settings... by adding the following entries:


    Perform the retrieve and after the error occurs, please send me the relevant block from idea.log for those three logged classes. It'll probably be pretty extensive with the latest logging I've added.


  2. Dave Gray reporter

    Below is the attached log info -

    2015-12-08 17:01:47,060 [1752326]   INFO - lij.diagnostic.DebugLogManager - Set DEBUG for the following categories: [#com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.builder.ForceComBuilder, #com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.builder.ForceComMetadataRetriever, #com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.builder.RetrieveAction] 
    2015-12-08 17:01:59,429 [1764695]  DEBUG - ntellij.builder.RetrieveAction - Retrieving for module(s): { CMP-Salesforce }. 
    2015-12-08 17:01:59,429 [1764695]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Retrieving metadata for module CMP-Salesforce 
    2015-12-08 17:01:59,432 [1764698]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Creating a retrieve request for API version 35.0 
    2015-12-08 17:01:59,433 [1764699]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: FlexiPage, ApexComponent, Dashboard 
    2015-12-08 17:01:59,795 [1765061]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: AutoResponseRules, AutoResponseRule, StaticResource 
    2015-12-08 17:02:00,394 [1765660]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: QuickAction, LiveChatAgentConfig, SiteDotCom 
    2015-12-08 17:02:00,631 [1765897]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: Scontrol, AssignmentRules, AssignmentRule 
    2015-12-08 17:02:00,861 [1766127]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: ActionLinkGroupTemplate, ApexClass, ExternalDataSource 
    2015-12-08 17:02:05,985 [1771251]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: Document, Profile, AppMenu 
    2015-12-08 17:02:06,380 [1771646]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: ChannelLayout, SynonymDictionary, Role 
    2015-12-08 17:02:06,689 [1771955]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: InstalledPackage, CustomObject, CustomField 
    2015-12-08 17:02:14,026 [1779292]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: BusinessProcess, CompactLayout, RecordType 
    2015-12-08 17:02:14,358 [1779624]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: WebLink, ValidationRule, SharingReason 
    2015-12-08 17:02:14,990 [1780256]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: ListView, FieldSet, PermissionSet 
    2015-12-08 17:02:15,720 [1780986]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: CallCenter, Flow, Portal 
    2015-12-08 17:02:15,835 [1781101]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: CustomPageWebLink, ApexPage, CustomMetadata 
    2015-12-08 17:02:16,481 [1781747]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: RemoteSiteSetting, PathAssistant, ApprovalProcess 
    2015-12-08 17:02:16,607 [1781873]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: AnalyticSnapshot, NamedCredential, HomePageLayout 
    2015-12-08 17:02:16,828 [1782094]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: Queue, HomePageComponent, Settings 
    2015-12-08 17:02:17,289 [1782555]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: EscalationRules, EscalationRule, Report 
    2015-12-08 17:02:18,902 [1784168]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: ReportType, ConnectedApp, CustomTab 
    2015-12-08 17:02:19,780 [1785046]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: CustomApplication, FlowDefinition, CorsWhitelistOrigin 
    2015-12-08 17:02:20,124 [1785390]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: EmailTemplate, Group, CustomLabels 
    2015-12-08 17:02:20,333 [1785599]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: CustomLabel, LiveChatDeployment, DataCategoryGroup 
    2015-12-08 17:02:21,909 [1787175]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: SharingSet, Letterhead, LiveChatButton 
    2015-12-08 17:02:22,117 [1787383]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: MatchingRules, MatchingRule, SharingRules 
    2015-12-08 17:02:22,735 [1788001]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: SharingOwnerRule, SharingCriteriaRule, AuraDefinitionBundle 
    2015-12-08 17:02:23,739 [1789005]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: CustomApplicationComponent, CustomObjectTranslation, Layout 
    2015-12-08 17:02:25,355 [1790621]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: CustomPermission, Workflow, WorkflowFieldUpdate 
    2015-12-08 17:02:25,941 [1791207]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: WorkflowKnowledgePublish, WorkflowTask, WorkflowAlert 
    2015-12-08 17:02:26,243 [1791509]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: WorkflowSend, WorkflowOutboundMessage, WorkflowRule 
    2015-12-08 17:02:26,568 [1791834]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: ApexTrigger, PlatformCachePartition, CustomFeedFilter 
    2015-12-08 17:02:26,747 [1792013]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: LiveChatSensitiveDataRule, Skill, Community 
    2015-12-08 17:02:26,957 [1792223]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Listing metadata for the following types: CustomSite, PostTemplate, AuthProvider 
    2015-12-08 17:02:27,076 [1792342]   INFO - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - No files to filter. 
    2015-12-08 17:02:27,076 [1792342]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Retrieving all metadata. 
    2015-12-08 17:02:28,212 [1793478]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Submitted retrieve request with async process ID 09Sg000000416yoEAA 
    2015-12-08 17:02:28,212 [1793478]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Polling the status of the retrieve request. 
    2015-12-08 17:02:28,425 [1793691]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Status: InProgress 
    2015-12-08 17:02:28,425 [1793691]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Retrieve request is still processing. Waiting 5000 seconds and trying again. 
    2015-12-08 17:02:33,426 [1798692]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Polling the status of the retrieve request. 
    2015-12-08 17:02:33,812 [1799078]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Status: Failed 
    2015-12-08 17:02:33,812 [1799078]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Retrieve complete. 
  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Dave, it looks like perhaps one of the metadata types being requested for retrieval (since you're retrieval all metadata in the org) may be causing this issue. Would you mind changing the metadata selection from All/Package to Selected and choosing a few specific metadata types that you plan to manage from within Illuminated Cloud, e.g., ApexClass, ApexTrigger, etc.?

    I want to see if that can get you past this issue, and then of course I'll also want to see if we can figure out which metadata type(s) might be causing the issue when trying to retrieve everything.

  4. Dave Gray reporter

    I selected all the metadata types starting with letter 'A'. It seemed to succeed, however no changes appeared under Version Control. I'm not sure about all the types, but I do know that some of the Apex Classes on the server have changed and are different to my local version. I've verified this using Eclipse with the Force.com plugin. Below if the log data for this retrieve operation. In the meantime, I'll work through the rest of the alphabet :) to try to pinpoint the cause of the 'unknown exception'. Thanks.

    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Escalate_to_ProdOps 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Get_next_case 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Junk_Update_Detail 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Junk_Update_List 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Mass_Email 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Mass_Update 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.New_Customer 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Reset_Password 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.SCC_NewCase 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.SCC_QuickCase 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Send_SMS 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Update_AVS 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Update_Email_Summaries 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contact.GoogleMaps 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contact.GoogleSearch 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contact.SendGmail 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contact.YahooMaps 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contact.YahooWeather 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Customer_Bulletins_Response__c.Unsubscribe 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Customer_Bulletins_Response__c.Update_Subscriptions 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Incentive_Request__c.Clone_Request 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Lead.AltavistaNews 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Lead.GoogleMaps 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Lead.GoogleNews 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Lead.GoogleSearch 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Lead.HooversProfile 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Lead.SCC_LeadConvertButton 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Lead.SendGmail 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Lead.YahooMaps 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Order__c.Create_Zuora_Subscription 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Partner_Voucher_Code__c.Issue_New_Voucher_Code 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry PromoCode__c.Deactivate 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry PromoCode__c.New 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_ContractualTerms__c.Clone_Request 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_Product__c.Copy_Request 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_Product__c.Edit_Branches 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_Product__c.Select_for_Proposition 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_Proposition__c.Copy_Request 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Proposition__c.View_Proposition_Tree 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Cancellation_Subscription 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Change 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Manage_Instructions 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Partner_Information 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Proposition_Change 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Setup_New_Direct_Debit 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Terminate 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Task.Log_Inbound_Call 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Task.Log_Outbound_Call 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Task.Reply_To_Social_Media 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry User.MPP_Console 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Zuora__CustomerAccount__c.Write_Off_Balance 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Processing metadata type Workflow 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry ACS_REST_Parameters__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Action__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Address__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry AllowedCardTypes__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry API_Request_Error__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry ApplicationProperties__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Asset 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Bundle__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Bundle_Campaign_Link__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Business__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign_Proposition__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign_Sales_Extension__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign_Terms_and_conditions__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CampaignMember 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Card_Expiry_Notification__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CardExpiryEmail_AccountContents__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CardExpiryEmailTemplate__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Clicktools_Survey__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CMP_Alert__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Commenting_Platform_Settings__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Configuration_Settings__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contact 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contract 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contractual_Phase__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contractual_Term__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Country__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CountryCodeMapping__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Customer_Bulletins_Response__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Customer_News_Bulletin__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Customer_Value_Settings__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CustomerDirectDebitDetails__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CustomerPromoCode__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CustomFieldSFDCId__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CustomFieldsToSearch__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CustomListView__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Dob_Check__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry DuplicateRecordItem 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry DuplicateRecordSet 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Email_Integration__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Email_Request__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Email_Template_Descriptor__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Email_Template_Mapping__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Entitlement_Group__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EnvironmentSettings__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Event 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry ExclusionWords__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry External_Fulfilment_Instruction__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry FeedItem 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Fulfilment_Feature__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Fulfilment_Instruction__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Group__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Holiday_Stop__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Holiday_Stop_Day__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry HPM_Setting__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Idea 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Incentive__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Incentive_Granted__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Incentive_Req_Rate_Charge__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Incentive_Request__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Incident__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Insights__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Invoice__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Invoice_Item__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry LA_ChatSurveyResponse__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry LA_TeamConfig__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Lead 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry LiveAgentSession 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry LiveChatTranscript 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry LiveChatTranscriptEvent 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,459 [8186106]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry LiveChatTranscriptSkill 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Locker__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Log__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Macro 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry MacroAction 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry MacroInstruction 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Marketed_Proposition__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Months__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry NGN__kav 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry No_Validation__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Opportunity 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry OpportunityLineItem 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Order__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Order_Proposition__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry OrderItem__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Organization 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry our_sso_sites__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Partner_Account_Link__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Partner_Order__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Partner_Proposition__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Partner_Voucher_Code__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Payment_Event__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Payment_Failure_Error_Code__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Payment_Integration__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Payment_Setup__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry PaymentCallBackRequest__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Print_Delivery_Postcodes__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Process_Transaction__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Process_Transaction_Step__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Processed_Zuora_Refund__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Product2 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Product__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Product_Branch__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry PromoCode__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_ContractualPhase__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_ContractualTerms__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_Product__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_ProductBranch__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_Proposition__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_PropositionProduct__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_Rate__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_Rate_Charge__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Prop_Terms_and_Conditions__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Proposition__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Proposition_Bundle_Link__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Proposition_Change_Definition__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Proposition_Product__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Proxy_Account__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Quick_Text_Share_Mappings__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry QuickText 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Quote 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry QuoteLineItem 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Rate__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry SCC_NVMSettings__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry SelfServiceCancellationFeatureSwitch__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Service_Start_Dates_Calculation__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Setting__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Site 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Site_CategoriesCountSettings__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Site_CategoriesSettings__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Site_ConfigSettings__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Site_HelpHub_Vote__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Site_TopFAQ__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry SMS_System_Information__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Sold_Set__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Solution 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Sports_Team__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Staging_Order__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Stop_Status__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry StreamingChannel 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry SubBrand__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Incident__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Phase__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Product__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Proposition_Change__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Rate__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Summary_Text__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Summary_Text_Bullet__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Summary_Text_Junction__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry System_Configuration__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Task 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Term__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Term_Period__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Terms_and_Conditions__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry TNL__kav 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry User 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry UserLicense 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry UserProvisioningRequest 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry VAT_IP_Location_Evidence__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry VAT_Location_Evidence__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Zuora_Session__c 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Processing metadata type WorkflowAlert 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign.Alert_Campaign_Created 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign.Alert_Campaign_Expired 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign.PromoCode_Approval_Notification 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign.PromoCode_Rejection_Notification 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Digi_Ops_HPOV 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Send_to_BCC_Recipient 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Email_Request__c.Send_welcome_email 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Holiday_Stop__c.Send_holiday_stop_email_confirmation 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Holiday_Stop__c.Send_holiday_stop_email_edited_email 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Holiday_Stop__c.Send_holidays_top_email_confirmation 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Incident__c.Incident_Resumption_Date_Changed 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Email_Alert_Send_Post_Sale_Confirmation_Email_For_Sun 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Email_Alert_Send_Post_Sale_Confirmation_Email_For_Times 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Processing metadata type WorkflowFieldUpdate 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Agreement_Data_field 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Customer_At_Risk_Date_Clear 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Customer_At_Risk_Date_Populate 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Customer_At_Risk_field_uncheck_after_X 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Email_Key_Blank 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.EmailKey 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Reset_Customer_Allow_Email_Update_flag 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Set_URN 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Twitter_Key_Blank 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.TwitterKey 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Bundle__c.Populate_Bundle_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Bundle_Campaign_Link__c.Populate_BundleCampaign_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign.Update_Status_To_Approved 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign.Update_Status_To_Pending 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign.Update_Status_To_Recalled 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign.Update_Status_To_Rejected 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign_Proposition__c.Populate_CampaignProp_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign_Sales_Extension__c.Populate_CampaignSalesExten_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Assign_Owner_to_Digital_Help 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Assign_Owner_to_Sun_Help 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.At_Risk_Clear_Date 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.At_Risk_Field_Update 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Case_Status_OnHold_Pending_Investigation 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Change_Case_Status_To_On_Hold 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Channel 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Close_Case_when_banned 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Has_case_been_on_hold 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Stamp_Original_Queue 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Uncheck_New_Email 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Unset_New_Email_Subject 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Update_Case_Status_to_In_Progress 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Update_Owner_to_Awaiting_Response_Queue 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Update_Owner_to_Digital_Help 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Update_Owner_to_Sun_Help 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Update_Status_to_Closed 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Update_Status_to_Closed_ACR 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Update_System_Closed_field 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CMP_Alert__c.CMP_Alert_Approve 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CMP_Alert__c.CMP_Alert_Reject 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CMP_Alert__c.CMP_Alert_Update_Needs_Approval 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CMP_Alert__c.CMP_Alert_Update_No_Approval_Status 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contractual_Phase__c.PopulateContractualPhase_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contractual_Term__c.Populate_ContractualTerm_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Customer_News_Bulletin__c.Populate_NewsBulletin_Code_w_Id_Brand 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Dob_Check__c.DOB_Name_from_Code 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Dob_Check__c.Set_DOB_Code 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.CLOSE_CASE_ON_EMAIL_SENT 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.Email_Inbound_Count_Update 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.Email_Outbound_Count_Update 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.New_Email_Received 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.Set_New_Email 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.Set_New_Email_Subject 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.Set_Received_Incoming_Email 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.Stamp_First_Response 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.Stamp_First_Response_to_Open 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.Unchecks_New_Email_Received_box 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Entitlement_Group__c.Set_Entitlement_Group_name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Fulfilment_Instruction__c.Populate_FI_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Holiday_Stop__c.Update_holiday_stop_to_processed 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Invoice__c.Set_Invoice_FP_synch_status_to_NEW 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Invoice_Item__c.Set_Invoice_Item_FP_synch_status_to_NEW 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry NGN__kav.NGN_Remove_Channel_publish_externally 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry NGN__kav.SCC_Update_Channel_for_PKB 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Order__c.Populate_Order_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Order_Proposition__c.Populate_OrderProp_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Process_Transaction__c.Populate_ProcessTrans_Code_with_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Process_Transaction_Step__c.Populate_ProcessTransStep_Code_with_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Product_Branch__c.Populate_ProductBranch_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Proposition_Bundle_Link__c.Populate_PropositionBundleL_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Proposition_Product__c.Populate_PropositionProduct_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Rate__c.Populate_Rate_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Sold_Set__c.Populate_Sold_Set_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Solution.Update_Twitter_Summary 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Populate_Subscription_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Set_Billing_Canx_Date 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Set_Canx_Cat 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Set_Canx_Other_Text 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Set_Canx_Reason 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Set_Customer_Email 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Set_Service_Canx_Date 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Set_Status_to_Cancellation_Requested 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Set_Stop_Action_Date 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Update_Service_Cancellation_Date 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Update_Subscription_End_Date 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Zuora_ID_Update 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Phase__c.Populate_SubscriptionPhase_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Phase__c.Populate_SubscriptionPhase_Code_with_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Proposition_Change__c.Populate_SPC_Code_w_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Rate__c.Populate_SubscriptionRate_Code_with_Name 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Summary_Text_Junction__c.Populate_Summary_Text_Junction_Code 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry TNL__kav.SCC_Update_Channel_for_PKB 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry TNL__kav.TNL_Remove_Channel_publish_externally 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry VAT_Location_Evidence__c.Set_VAT_Loc_Evidence_synch_status_to_NEW 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Zuora__CustomerAccount__c.Set_Billing_Account_synch_status_to_NEW 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Zuora__ZInvoice__c.Set_Invoice_synch_status_to_NEW 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Processing metadata type WorkflowKnowledgePublish 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry NGN__kav.NGN_Internal_Article_Publish 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry NGN__kav.SCC_NGN_Internal_Article_Publish 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry NGN__kav.SCC_NGN_PKB_Article_Approval 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry NGN__kav.SCC_NGN_PKB_Article_for_Approval 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry TNL__kav.SCC_TNL_Internal_Article_Publish 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry TNL__kav.SCC_TNL_PKB_Article_for_Approval 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Processing metadata type WorkflowOutboundMessage 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Fulfilment_Instruction__c.Fulfilment_Instructions 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Processing metadata type WorkflowRule 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Agreement_Data_Update 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Customer - At Risk Date Clear 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Customer - At Risk Date Populate 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Customer Allow Email flag 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Email is Blank 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.EmailKey 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Set URN 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.Twitter Username is Blank 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Account.TwitterKey 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Bundle__c.Populate Code Field on Bundle 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Bundle_Campaign_Link__c.Populate Code Field on Bundle Campaign Link 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign.Campaign Lifecycle Alerts 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign_Proposition__c.Populate Code Field on Campaign Proposition 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Campaign_Sales_Extension__c.Populate Code Field on Campaign Sales Extension 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.At Risk Clear Date 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.At Risk Latest Date 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.BCC Email Case 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Case  %3D Awaiting Customer Response Queue 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Case  %3D On Hold %E2%80%93 Pending Customer Response 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Close Case when Banned%2FFilth%2FOOF 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Count down ACR 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Create Facebook Activity 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Create Inbound Call Activity 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Create Outbound Call Activity 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Create Post Activity 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Create Twitter Activity 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Create WebChat Activity 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Digi Ops Case assigned 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Digi Ops HPOV 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Email - Case Origin 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Has case been on hold 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.If Case Reassigned Place On Hold 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.NGN Send Case back to Sun Help queue 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Re-Open Closed Case 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Re-Open Closed Case - Awaiting Customer Response Queue 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Stamp original queue 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.TNL Send Case back to Digital Help queue 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CMP_Alert__c.CMP Alert Update No Approval Needed 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry CMP_Alert__c.CMPAlert Update Approval process on change 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contractual_Phase__c.Populate Code field on Contractual Phase 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Contractual_Term__c.Populate Code field on Contractual Term 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Customer_News_Bulletin__c.Populate Code field on Customer News Bulletin 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Dob_Check__c.DOB Code from Seq 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Dob_Check__c.DOB Name from Code 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Email_Request__c.Send welcome email 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.BCC Email Message 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.Close Case on Email Sent 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.Count Case Inbound Emails 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.Count Case Outbound Emails 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.First Response 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.New Email Received 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry EmailMessage.New Email Received Unchecked 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Entitlement_Group__c.Entitlement Group code changes 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Fulfilment_Instruction__c.Fulfilment Instruction 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Fulfilment_Instruction__c.Populate Code field on Fulfilment Instruction 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Holiday_Stop__c.Send holiday stop confirmation email 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Holiday_Stop__c.Send holiday stop editted email 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Incident__c.Resumption Date Change Notification 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Invoice__c.Invoice FP upsert 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Invoice_Item__c.Invoice Item FP upsert 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Order__c.Populate Code field on Order 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Order_Proposition__c.Populate Code field on Order Proposition 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Organization.Sites Monthly Limits Exceeded 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Process_Transaction__c.Populate Code field on Process Transaction 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Process_Transaction_Step__c.Populate Code field on Process Transaction Step 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Product_Branch__c.Populate Code field on Product Branch 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Proposition_Bundle_Link__c.Populate Code Field on Proposition Bundl Link 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Proposition_Product__c.Populate Code field on Proposition Product 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Rate__c.Populate Code field on Rate 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Site.Sites Daily Limits Exceeded 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Sold_Set__c.Populate Code field on Sold Set 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Solution.Update Twitter Summary 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Invoke Cancel Fixed Term Products 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Populate Code field on Subscription 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Populate Customer Email on Subscription 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Send Post Sale Confirmation Email For Sun 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Send Post Sale Confirmation Email For Times 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Set Subscription Cancellation Date 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription__c.Zuora ID Update WF 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Phase__c.Populate Code field on Subscription Phase 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Proposition_Change__c.Populate Code Field on Subscription Proposition Change 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Subscription_Rate__c.Populate Code field on Subscription Rate 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Summary_Text_Junction__c.Populate Code field on Summary Text Junction 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry VAT_Location_Evidence__c.VAT Location Evidence upsert 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Zuora__CustomerAccount__c.Billing Account upsert 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Zuora__ZInvoice__c.Invoice upsert 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Processing metadata type WorkflowSend 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   No entries for type. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Processing metadata type WorkflowTask 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Facebook 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Inbound_Call 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Inbound_Tweet 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Outbound_Call 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Post 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder -   Processing entry Case.Web_Chat 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]   INFO - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - No files to filter. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,460 [8186107]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Retrieving selected metadata  (14 items). 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,711 [8186358]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Submitted retrieve request with async process ID 09Sg00000041AiaEAE 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,711 [8186358]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Polling the status of the retrieve request. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,909 [8186556]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Status: InProgress 
    2015-12-09 11:53:08,909 [8186556]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Retrieve request is still processing. Waiting 5000 seconds and trying again. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:13,910 [8191557]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Polling the status of the retrieve request. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:14,314 [8191961]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Status: InProgress 
    2015-12-09 11:53:14,314 [8191961]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Retrieve request is still processing. Waiting 5000 seconds and trying again. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:19,315 [8196962]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Polling the status of the retrieve request. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:19,685 [8197332]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Status: InProgress 
    2015-12-09 11:53:19,685 [8197332]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Retrieve request is still processing. Waiting 5000 seconds and trying again. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:24,685 [8202332]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Polling the status of the retrieve request. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:25,941 [8203588]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Status: Succeeded 
    2015-12-09 11:53:25,941 [8203588]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Retrieve complete. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:31,164 [8208811]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Retrieved an archive of size 1981933 bytes. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:31,166 [8208813]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Wrote retrieved archive to /private/var/folders/3x/szl_6x1x68d7g8d3skdw3klcgq7yd8/T/CMP_Salesforce_c5fe66a7_ec5d_47af_a3cd_2f6eb4f65a550.zip 
    2015-12-09 11:53:31,604 [8209251]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Extracted retrieved archive to /private/var/folders/3x/szl_6x1x68d7g8d3skdw3klcgq7yd8/T/CMP_Salesforce_c5fe66a7_ec5d_47af_a3cd_2f6eb4f65a550 
    2015-12-09 11:53:31,604 [8209251]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Removing intermediate 'unpackaged' directory. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:31,605 [8209252]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Extracting static resource bundles. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:31,605 [8209252]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - No static resources directory was found in the retrieved metadata. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:31,605 [8209252]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Removing archive file. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:31,606 [8209253]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Refreshing the virtual file system before applying retrieval substitution rules. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:32,879 [8210526]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Refreshing the virtual file system before comparison. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:32,901 [8210548]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Showing a directory diff for module = CMP-Salesforce, extractDir = /private/var/folders/3x/szl_6x1x68d7g8d3skdw3klcgq7yd8/T/CMP_Salesforce_c5fe66a7_ec5d_47af_a3cd_2f6eb4f65a550, onWindowClose = null 
    2015-12-09 11:53:32,901 [8210548]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - sourceRoots = [] 
    2015-12-09 11:53:32,901 [8210548]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - virtualExtractDir = /private/var/folders/3x/szl_6x1x68d7g8d3skdw3klcgq7yd8/T/CMP_Salesforce_c5fe66a7_ec5d_47af_a3cd_2f6eb4f65a550 
    2015-12-09 11:53:32,901 [8210548]  DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - sourceRoot = null 
    2015-12-09 11:53:33,358 [8211005]  DEBUG - tellij.builder.ForceComBuilder - Initialized local source caches for 0 files in 452 ms. 
    2015-12-09 11:53:36,949 [8214596]  ERROR - jediterm.terminal.TerminalMode - Mode EightBitInput is not implemented, setting to true 
  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, this is progress. Just so I understand completely, Dave, are you saying that the metadata you retrieved doesn't look correct because you'd expect to see the Version Control tab show differences between the retrieved metadata and the corresponding files in your version control system but it doesn't?

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    That's definitely strange. The file system is going to be populated with the data retrieved via the API, and I can't think of a reason that would be older than what you'd see in the org. After the directory diff tool was displayed, are you confident that the changes were copied from the temporary retrieve directory into the local project source?

  7. Dave Gray reporter

    I'm not sure what you mean Scott - especially about the 'copy from temporary retrieve directory'.

    After running a 'Retrieve Metadata', I dont see any Metadata changes using any/all of the following ... a. Version Control tab of IntelliJ b. git status from the command line c. SourceTree view

    However, if I use Eclipse+Force.com plugin to retrieve from server, I then see a stack of ApexChanges using any/all of the methods above.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Dave, when you retrieve metadata, the results aren't placed immediately into your source directory. They're shown in a directory diff tool with the retrieved metadata in the left pane and the local source directory in the right pane:


    You can then reconcile the two for potential conflicts/merges. The simple case is that you can just copy the contents of the left pane into the right pane. If you don't do that, the local source isn't updated at all. Have you used this step to copy the updates into your local source directory?

  9. Dave Gray reporter

    Ah I see. Well I've never seen this window/tool appear. Do I need to do something for this? Or should it appear automatically?

  10. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yes, it should come up automatically after the metadata is retrieved and extracted into the file system. I have seen IntelliJ not bring that window to the front of the main window, though. Is it possible that it's sitting under the main window? If not, please let me know and I'll look into why that might be happening.

  11. Dave Gray reporter

    No sorry it's not there at all. Not even behind the main window. Let me know if you need more details on my IntelliJ version, setup etc.

  12. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, let's go ahead and get the version number for IntelliJ, but honestly if it were one of the versions that had major issues (early versions of IDEA 14), I would expect you to have hit those issues long before this. Here's another thing you can try...can you right-click on two directories in your Project View (the tree on the left-hand side of the window) and see if there's a context menu action called Compare Directories? If so, can you select it and see if the directory comparison window is displayed properly?

  13. Scott Wells repo owner

    Aha! Now that I know where to look, I see the issue in the log you provided above:

    2015-12-09 11:53:32,901 [8210548] DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - Showing a directory diff for module = CMP-Salesforce, extractDir = /private/var/folders/3x/szl_6x1x68d7g8d3skdw3klcgq7yd8/T/CMP_Salesforce_c5fe66a7_ec5d_47af_a3cd_2f6eb4f65a550, onWindowClose = null 2015-12-09 11:53:32,901 [8210548] DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - sourceRoots = [] 2015-12-09 11:53:32,901 [8210548] DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - virtualExtractDir = /private/var/folders/3x/szl_6x1x68d7g8d3skdw3klcgq7yd8/T/CMP_Salesforce_c5fe66a7_ec5d_47af_a3cd_2f6eb4f65a550 2015-12-09 11:53:32,901 [8210548] DEBUG - lder.ForceComMetadataRetriever - sourceRoot = null

    Notice the sourceRoots=[] and sourceRoot=null parts. It's not finding your source root to be the right-hand side of the comparison. Let me look at why that might happen.

  14. Scott Wells repo owner

    Dave, how is the module CMP-Salesforce configured? It looks like for some reason it doesn't have any configured source roots. If you'd prefer I take a close look, you can send me CMP-Salesforce.iml via email and I'll take a look at it.

  15. Dave Gray reporter

    Using IntelliJ v14.1.5. Yes there is a Compare Directories option and I get the diff window when I try to compare 'classes' with 'components'. I'll mail you the iml file - I've set the source root to be the root of the cloned repository. Cheers

  16. Scott Wells repo owner

    Dave, I apologize for the delayed reply. It's been a massively busy day(/week) for me! I apologize but I'm not finding the attachment here. You referenced issue #192 which is this issue. Is that what you intended? Did you perhaps send it somewhere else?

  17. Dave Gray reporter

    Sorry Scott. I've been out of the office for a few days. I emailed you directly with the file, but I've attached it here too.

  18. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks, Dave. I didn't see it in my email but I'll check the spam folders in a bit. I'll take a look at what you've sent and see what might be going on. Hopefully I'll have a concrete answer for you in a bit.

  19. Scott Wells repo owner

    Dave, I see the problem now. Your module is not an Illuminated Cloud-type module. It's a Web module:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <module type="WEB_MODULE" version="4">
      <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
        <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />

    should look like:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <module type="IlluminatedCloud" version="4">
      <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
        <orderEntry type="jdk" jdkName="IlluminatedCloud (DF15)" jdkType="IlluminatedCloud" />

    Probably the easiest way to address this is to remove the existing module from your project and create a new one of the type Illuminated Cloud against the same source root. That should resolve this issue as well as others you might be having.

    Please let me know if you're not sure how to do this or if you're still having issues after doing so.

  20. Dave Gray reporter

    Hi Scott. Sorry I've just been trying a few things out. Yes this did resolve the issue with retrieving metadata - at least for some of the metadata anyway.

    It seems that the 'import module from existing sources' feature doesn't work quite right. It doesn't recognise the import as an IlluminatedCloud module until later in the wizard. By then it's already set it as a web module (see the attached screenshots).

    I still see the unknown exception if I try to retrieve everything. But if I retrieve a subset (the normal things that changes) - i.e. classes, layouts, objects, pages, triggers and workflows - then it works fine. I'll continue to try to pin down which set of metadata causes the exception.

    Thanks for the help - I think I'm at least able to use it productively now - and ditch Eclipse/Force.com. Cheers Dave

  21. Scott Wells repo owner

    Correct, Dave. There's a limitation in the JetBrains plugin SDK that prevents me from being able to set the module type when creating a project from existing sources. That's why this workaround is needed. I've opened the topic with JetBrains and hope to make this all more seamless soon. Glad we were able to get you past this and thanks for the patience and assistance working through it!

  22. Scott Wells repo owner

    Still need to pin down which metadata types are causing the retrieval issue where the zip can't be processed, but the overall use case works now.

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